Chart 1
Toronto and Victoria post the largest quarterly increases

Montréal, Quebec Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario/Quebec Toronto, Ontario Calgary, Alberta Vancouver, British Columbia Victoria, British Columbia -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 index (2017=100) Third quarter 2018Third quarter 2018 Fourth quarter 2018Fourth quarter 2018

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Toronto and Victoria post the largest quarterly increases, index (2017=100)
  Third quarter 2018 Fourth quarter 2018
Montréal, Quebec 0.8 0.0
Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario/Quebec 1.8 -1.5
Toronto, Ontario 2.6 3.0
Calgary, Alberta -1.4 -3.6
Vancouver, British Columbia 5.2 2.2
Victoria, British Columbia 6.0 3.0
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