Chart 2
International merchandise trade balance

millions of current dollars -8,000 -6,000 -4,000 -2,000 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 Dec. 2015 2016 2017 Oct. 2018 Total trade balanceTotal trade balance Trade balance with the United StatesTrade balance with the United States Trade balance with countries other than the United StatesTrade balance with countries other than the United States
Data are seasonally adjusted.

Chart description

This is a combined line chart.

International merchandise trade balance, millions of current dollars
  Total trade balance Trade balance with the United States Trade balance with countries other than the United States
December 2015 -1,990 2,277 -4,267
January 2016 -1,359 3,361 -4,720
February 2016 -3,193 2,014 -5,207
March 2016 -3,249 1,820 -5,069
April 2016 -3,103 1,489 -4,592
May 2016 -3,652 2,057 -5,710
June 2016 -3,845 1,332 -5,177
July 2016 -1,497 3,439 -4,936
August 2016 -1,563 2,946 -4,509
September 2016 -3,985 2,824 -6,808
October 2016 -1,314 3,086 -4,400
November 2016 977 4,574 -3,597
December 2016 259 3,799 -3,540
January 2017 -149 4,194 -4,343
February 2017 -1,433 4,577 -6,010
March 2017 -1,070 3,337 -4,407
April 2017 -894 4,630 -5,523
May 2017 -1,371 3,305 -4,676
June 2017 -3,459 1,940 -5,399
July 2017 -2,710 3,037 -5,747
August 2017 -2,861 2,733 -5,594
September 2017 -3,295 2,044 -5,338
October 2017 -1,379 3,455 -4,834
November 2017 -2,942 2,975 -5,917
December 2017 -3,082 3,437 -6,518
January 2018 -2,242 2,927 -5,168
February 2018 -2,674 2,611 -5,284
March 2018 -3,973 2,101 -6,074
April 2018 -1,688 3,771 -5,459
May 2018 -3,011 3,072 -6,083
June 2018 -857 3,939 -4,796
July 2018 -88 5,210 -5,298
August 2018 -548 4,888 -5,436
September 2018 -891 4,350 -5,240
October 2018 -1,165 3,063 -4,228
Data are seasonally adjusted.
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