Chart 1
Rural and urban farm population distribution by farm type in Canada, 2016

Dairy cattle and milk production Sheep and goat farming Hog and pig farming Beef cattle ranching and farming, including feedlots Poultry and egg production Other animal production Other crop farming Oilseed and grain farming Vegetable and melon farming Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production Fruit and tree nut farming 0 20 40 60 80 100 % Rural farm populationRural farm population Urban farm populationUrban farm population
Agriculture–Population Linkage Database, 2016 and the Census of Population, 2016 (3901).

Chart description

This is a bar stacked chart.

Rural and urban farm population distribution by farm type in Canada, 2016, %
  Rural farm population Urban farm population
Dairy cattle and milk production 96.2 3.8
Sheep and goat farming 93.2 6.8
Hog and pig farming 92.4 7.6
Beef cattle ranching and farming, including feedlots 90.7 9.3
Poultry and egg production 87.8 12.2
Other animal production 84.8 15.2
Other crop farming 82.1 17.9
Oilseed and grain farming 81.7 18.3
Vegetable and melon farming 73.4 26.6
Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production 69.0 31.0
Fruit and tree nut farming 67.5 32.5
Agriculture–Population Linkage Database, 2016 and the Census of Population, 2016 (3901).
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