Chart 6
Reasons for contact with the police in the 24 months prior to death, selected offences, British Columbia and Surrey, 2011 to 2016

Shoplifting ($5,000 or under) Disturbing the peace Failing to comply with an order Breach of probation Assault, level 1 Mischief Breaking and entering 0 5 10 15 20 % Decedents in British ColumbiaDecedents in British Columbia Decedents in SurreyDecedents in Surrey All criminal incidents in British ColumbiaAll criminal incidents in British Columbia
Includes people who had been in contact with the police in British Columbia in the 24 months prior to their fatal overdose. All criminal incidents in British Columbia include data from 2009 to 2016.
BC Coroners Service data, 2011 to 2016; Statistics Canada, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, 2009 to 2016.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Reasons for contact with the police in the 24 months prior to death, selected offences, British Columbia and Surrey, 2011 to 2016, %
  Decedents in British Columbia Decedents in Surrey All criminal incidents in British Columbia
Shoplifting ($5,000 or under) 14 17 5
Disturbing the peace 12 11 12
Failing to comply with an order 9 10 2
Breach of probation 8 7 1
Assault, level 1 8 9 6
Mischief 3 1 12
Breaking and entering 3 3 8
Includes people who had been in contact with the police in British Columbia in the 24 months prior to their fatal overdose. All criminal incidents in British Columbia include data from 2009 to 2016.
BC Coroners Service data, 2011 to 2016; Statistics Canada, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, 2009 to 2016.
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