Chart 2
Average domestic air fares for 10 major Canadian cities

Canada Calgary Edmonton¹ Halifax Montréal Ottawa Regina Saskatoon Toronto Vancouver Winnipeg 0 50 100 150 200 250 dollars Third quarter 2016Third quarter 2016 Third quarter 2017Third quarter 2017
Suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.
CANSIM table 401-0003.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Average domestic air fares for 10 major Canadian cities, dollars
  Third quarter 2016 Third quarter 2017
Canada 173.60 171.20
Calgary 170.70 169.70
Edmonton¹ x x
Halifax 171.60 169.70
Montréal 159.00 156.40
Ottawa 156.10 164.60
Regina 165.40 162.20
Saskatoon 151.70 160.00
Toronto 192.60 192.20
Vancouver 202.70 196.30
Winnipeg 165.80 167.00
Suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.
CANSIM table 401-0003.
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