Chart 2
Industrial Product Price Index, by North American Product Classification System

line chart&8211;Chart2, from 1981 to 2016
CANSIM table 329-0075.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Industrial Product Price Index, by North American Product Classification System, index (2010=100)
  Total, Industrial Product Price Index Fresh and frozen beef and veal Fresh and frozen pork Fresh and frozen poultry of all types
1981 54.2 91.7 49.4 79.3
1982 57.9 91.3 58.6 80.3
1983 59.9 89.9 53.6 83.6
1984 62.6 96.0 53.5 90.8
1985 64.3 96.2 53.4 87.0
1986 64.9 96.1 62.9 90.2
1987 66.7 99.4 65.3 89.4
1988 69.6 98.8 61.7 88.0
1989 70.9 100.7 59.0 98.3
1990 71.2 101.5 64.8 102.4
1991 70.4 100.2 60.9 99.6
1992 70.8 100.0 59.4 96.8
1993 73.3 108.5 72.3 98.8
1994 77.7 107.3 75.7 93.2
1995 83.5 102.4 84.4 92.6
1996 83.9 95.2 106.6 103.7
1997 84.5 98.9 114.7 104.1
1998 84.8 103.4 87.2 101.6
1999 86.3 108.8 92.5 96.8
2000 90.0 110.9 115.3 93.8
2001 90.9 115.1 121.7 99.5
2002 90.9 114.5 107.6 97.2
2003 89.8 113.3 111.2 101.3
2004 92.7 111.7 118.5 104.9
2005 94.2 102.8 100.3 98.8
2006 96.4 104.5 92.5 98.8
2007 97.8 105.2 95.4 108.2
2008 102.1 106.1 93.4 99.2
2009 98.5 105.1 98.1 99.7
2010 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
2011 107.0 103.3 108.7 100.8
2012 108.1 116.9 105.7 102.2
2013 108.6 118.8 118.8 101.6
2014 111.3 142.4 149.0 102.9
2015 110.3 168.2 152.0 102.9
2016 110.1 149.0 158.7 101.7
CANSIM table 329-0075.
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