Table 1 
Net income of provincial and territorial liquor authorities 

Net income of provincial and territorial liquor authorities
  2014/2015 2015/2016 2015/2016
  thousands of dollarsthousands of dollars % change
Canada 5,686,874 6,094,088 7.2
Newfoundland and Labrador 160,740 166,790 3.8
Prince Edward Island 19,706 20,645 4.8
Nova Scotia 227,986 244,555 7.3
New Brunswick 166,148 171,556 3.3
Quebec 1,032,700 1,066,964 3.3
Ontario 1,817,375 1,969,351 8.4
Manitoba 281,604 274,673 -2.5
Saskatchewan 244,227 258,455 5.8
Alberta 765,772 855,793 11.8
British Columbia 935,233 1,031,271 10.3
Yukon 9,178 8,843 -3.7
Northwest Territories 25,043 24,362 -2.7
Nunavut 1,162 830 -28.6
Data may not add up to totals as a result of rounding.
CANSIM table 183-0025.
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