Chart 1
Canadians living in a province/territory other than their province/territory of birth, number and percentage of the population born in Canada, 1871 to 2011

combined line chart&8211;Chart1,

Chart description

The title of the graph is "Canadians living in a province/territory other than their province/territory of birth, number and percentage of the population born in Canada, 1871 to 2011 ."
This is a combined line chart.
There are in total 15 categories in the horizontal axis. The primary vertical axis starts at 0 and ends at 4,000,000 with ticks every 500,000 points. The secondary vertical axis starts at 0 and ends at 16 with ticks every 2 points.
There are 2 series in this graph.
The horizontal axis is "Source(s): Census of Population (3901) and National Household Survey (5178).."
The title of series 1 is " Number of interprovincial migrants."
This series is a column clustered chart.
The vertical axis is "migrants."
The minimum value is 68,060 and it corresponds to " 1871."
The maximum value is 3,779,990 and it corresponds to " 2011."
The title of series 2 is " Proportion of interprovincial migrants in the Canadian-born population."
This series is a line markers chart.
The vertical axis is "% ."
The minimum value is 2.3 and it corresponds to " 1871."
The maximum value is 15.5 and it corresponds to " 1981."

Canadians living in a province/territory other than their province/territory of birth, number and percentage of the population born in Canada, 1871 to 2011
  Number of interprovincial migrants Proportion of interprovincial migrants in the Canadian-born population
  migrants %
 1871 68,060 2.3
 1881 121,671 3.3
 1891 188,241 4.6
 1901 239,955 5.3
 1911 537,936 9.6
 1921 684,157 10.0
 1931 783,198 9.7
 1941 915,726 9.7
 1951 1,412,556 11.8
 1961 1,892,255 12.3
 1971 2,470,280 13.5
 1981 3,128,925 15.5
 1991 3,416,835 15.3
 2001 3,563,260 14.9
 2011 3,779,990 14.7
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