Chart 2
Goods balances by geographic area

combined line chart&8211;Chart2, from first quarter 2011 to first quarter 2016
Data are seasonally adjusted.
CANSIM table 376-0106.

Chart description

This is a combined line chart.

Goods balances by geographic area, billions of dollars
  United States All other countries All countries
First quarter 2011 12.029 -12.333 -0.304
Second quarter 2011 11.687 -14.127 -2.440
Third quarter 2011 10.791 -9.336 1.455
Fourth quarter 2011 13.423 -11.567 1.856
First quarter 2012 12.458 -13.656 -1.198
Second quarter 2012 8.139 -12.604 -4.465
Third quarter 2012 8.747 -13.916 -5.169
Fourth quarter 2012 11.225 -13.681 -2.456
First quarter 2013 11.292 -12.865 -1.573
Second quarter 2013 11.300 -12.432 -1.132
Third quarter 2013 12.122 -13.992 -1.870
Fourth quarter 2013 9.909 -11.896 -1.987
First quarter 2014 13.274 -12.099 1.175
Second quarter 2014 14.105 -11.774 2.331
Third quarter 2014 12.625 -9.758 2.867
Fourth quarter 2014 9.022 -10.604 -1.582
First quarter 2015 6.835 -13.492 -6.657
Second quarter 2015 9.725 -15.632 -5.907
Third quarter 2015 10.077 -14.938 -4.861
Fourth quarter 2015 7.371 -12.406 -5.035
First quarter 2016 7.540 -13.878 -6.338
Data are seasonally adjusted.
CANSIM table 376-0106.
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