Chart 1
Work potential status of people with disabilities, aged 15 to 64, 2012

Employed Other¹ Unemployed Future job seekers² Completely prevented from working Permanently retired Never worked 0 10 20 30 40 50 %
Includes 22,500 current students who did not fit into other categories and 88,300 others who had previously worked.
Will look for work in the next 12 months.
People included in the "other," "unemployed" and "future job seekers" categories are considered potential workers. People included in the "completely prevented from working," "permanently retired" and "never worked" categories are not considered potential workers.
Canadian Survey on Disability (3251).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Work potential status of people with disabilities, aged 15 to 64, 2012
Employed 42.5
Other¹ 4.7
Unemployed 5.4
Future job seekers² 7.5
Completely prevented from working 8.8
Permanently retired 27.1
Never worked 1.4
Includes 22,500 current students who did not fit into other categories and 88,300 others who had previously worked.
Will look for work in the next 12 months.
People included in the "other," "unemployed" and "future job seekers" categories are considered potential workers. People included in the "completely prevented from working," "permanently retired" and "never worked" categories are not considered potential workers.
Canadian Survey on Disability (3251).
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