Chart 1
Relationship of abuser to women residing in shelters primarily because of abuse, Canada, April 16, 2014

Common-law partner Spouse Ex-common-law partner Ex-spouse Dating relationship Ex-dating relationship Relative Other¹ 0 10 20 30 40 % of women in shelters primarily because of abuse
Includes caregiver, friend/acquaintance, authority figure and other unspecified relationships.
Transition Home Survey (3328).

Chart Description

The title of the graph is "Relationship of abuser to women residing in shelters primarily because of abuse, Canada, April 16, 2014."
This is a bar clustered chart.
The horizontal axis is "% of women in shelters primarily because of abuse."

Relationship of abuser to women residing in shelters primarily because of abuse, Canada, April 16, 2014
  % of women in shelters primarily because of abuse
Common-law partner 38.0
Spouse 25.8
Ex-common-law partner 8.7
Ex-spouse 5.0
Dating relationship 4.8
Ex-dating relationship 3.2
Relative 9.8
Other¹ 4.7
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