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Table 2 
Coverage and eligibility of the unemployed for Employment Insurance benefits by sex, Canada, 2013

Coverage and eligibility of the unemployed for Employment Insurance benefits by sex, Canada, 2013
  Number Unemployed Contributors Contributors with valid job separation
  thousands %%%
Unemployed 746 100.0 ... ...
Contributors 480 64.3 100.0 ...
Contributors, valid job separation 372 49.9 77.6 100.0
Eligible contributors 334 44.8 70.0 89.8
Not eligible due to not enough insurable hours 38 5.1 8.0 10.2
Contributors, invalid job separation 107 14.4 22.4 ...
Invalid job separation: quit to go back to school 58 7.7 12.0 ...
Invalid job separation: other reasons deemed invalid 50 6.7 10.4 ...
Non-contributors 266 35.7 ... ...
Had no insurable employment 41E 5.5E ... ...
Had not worked in previous 12 months/never worked 225 30.2 ... ...
Unemployed 567 100.0 ... ...
Contributors 340 60.0 100.0 ...
Contributors, valid job separation 252 44.4 74.0 100.0
Eligible contributors 201 35.5 59.2 80.0
Not eligible due to not enough insurable hours 50 8.9 14.8 20.0
Contributors, invalid job separation 88 15.6 26.0 ...
Invalid job separation: quit to go back to school 36E 6.3E 10.5E ...
Invalid job separation: other reasons deemed invalid 53 9.3 15.5 ...
Non-contributors 227 40.0 ... ...
Had no insurable employment 18E 3.2E ... ...
Had not worked in previous 12 months/never worked 209 36.8 ... ...
not applicable
use with caution
Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (4428).
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