Table 1
Balance of payments – Not seasonally adjusted

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Balance of payments – Not seasonally adjusted

Table summary
This table displays the results of balance of payments – not seasonally adjusted fourth quarter 2010, first quarter 2011, second quarter 2011, third quarter 2011, fourth quarter 2011, 2010 and 2011, calculated using millions of dollars units of measure (appearing as column headers).

  Fourth quarter 2010 First quarter 2011 Second quarter 2011 Third quarter 2011 Fourth quarter 2011 2010 2011
  millions of dollars
Current account              
Goods and services 124,305 124,874 131,010 136,184 140,325 476,086 532,393
Goods 106,816 108,056 112,410 114,897 122,185 404,834 457,548
Services 17,489 16,818 18,599 21,287 18,140 71,252 74,845
Investment income 17,065 16,432 16,467 16,615 17,126 61,794 66,640
Direct investment 11,057 10,468 10,588 10,797 10,876 37,836 42,730
Portfolio investment 4,334 4,218 4,209 4,224 4,377 17,376 17,028
Other investment 1,674 1,746 1,669 1,594 1,874 6,581 6,883
Current transfers 2,807 2,278 1,917 1,861 1,953 9,261 8,008
Current account receipts 144,177 143,585 149,393 154,659 159,404 547,141 607,041
Goods and services 129,687 131,450 140,423 140,885 142,836 507,844 555,594
Goods 106,780 106,842 114,797 115,399 119,091 413,833 456,129
Services 22,906 24,607 25,626 25,486 23,746 94,011 99,465
Investment income 21,381 21,868 21,415 21,998 22,444 78,230 87,724
Direct investment 10,019 11,380 10,999 11,343 11,837 36,720 45,559
Portfolio investment 9,285 9,106 9,335 9,632 9,849 35,537 37,922
Other investment 2,077 1,381 1,080 1,023 758 5,972 4,243
Current transfers 2,702 4,056 2,397 2,711 2,863 11,932 12,026
Current account payments 153,769 157,373 164,235 165,594 168,143 598,005 655,345
Goods and services -5,382 -6,575 -9,413 -4,701 -2,511 -31,757 -23,201
Goods 35 1,214 -2,387 -502 3,094 -8,999 1,419
Services -5,417 -7,789 -7,026 -4,199 -5,606 -22,759 -24,620
Investment income -4,316 -5,436 -4,948 -5,384 -5,317 -16,436 -21,084
Direct investment 1,038 -912 -411 -546 -961 1,116 -2,830
Portfolio investment -4,951 -4,888 -5,126 -5,409 -5,472 -18,161 -20,894
Other investment -402 365 589 571 1,115 609 2,640
Current transfers 105 -1,778 -480 -851 -909 -2,671 -4,018
Current account balance -9,593 -13,789 -14,842 -10,935 -8,738 -50,864 -48,304
Capital and financial account 1,2              
Capital account 1,198 1,278 1,304 1,149 1,082 4,758 4,813
Financial account 8,251 15,993 10,357 10,685 13,669 44,949 50,703
Canadian assets, net flows              
Canadian direct investment abroad -31,097 -11,554 -3,466 -17,102 -13,093 -39,749 -45,215
Portfolio investment -960 -2,875 -1,945 -4,999 -7,773 -14,535 -17,592
Foreign bonds -4,043 772 7,437 2,682 -5,003 1,379 5,888
Foreign stocks 2,734 -3,383 -10,283 -7,874 -3,978 -13,472 -25,517
Foreign money market 350 -264 901 192 1,208 -2,442 2,036
Other investment -17,482 -12,458 -25,627 9,160 -16,681 -52,199 -45,605
Loans -5,887 -2,874 -7,943 1,422 -4,649 -16,424 -14,043
Deposits -813 -10,926 -20,790 1,582 -2,753 -11,761 -32,886
Official international reserves 609 -2,564 -721 -1,185 -3,591 -3,989 -8,061
Other assets -11,392 3,906 3,827 7,340 -5,688 -20,024 9,384
Total Canadian assets, net flows -49,540 -26,887 -31,037 -12,942 -37,546 -106,482 -108,412
Canadian liabilities, net flows              
Foreign direct investment in Canada 12,055 12,326 17,439 7,141 3,439 24,119 40,345
Portfolio investment 27,871 22,204 19,364 27,937 26,131 117,429 95,636
Canadian bonds 17,683 12,104 12,037 7,448 11,358 96,112 42,948
Canadian stocks 7,826 9,289 2,164 4,252 4,962 18,179 20,667
Canadian money market 2,362 811 5,162 16,238 9,810 3,138 32,021
Other investment 17,864 8,350 4,591 -11,452 21,645 9,883 23,134
Loans 7,454 -5,739 -1,774 -549 5,829 8,613 -2,233
Deposits 10,445 13,007 6,333 -11,034 15,736 125 24,041
Other liabilities -34 1,082 33 131 80 1,145 1,326
Total Canadian liabilities, net flows 57,791 42,880 41,394 23,626 51,215 151,431 159,115
Total capital and financial account, net flows 9,449 17,271 11,661 11,834 14,751 49,707 55,517
Statistical discrepancy 144 -3,482 3,181 -899 -6,013 1,158 -7,213