Table 3
Population estimates1, age distribution and median age as of July 1, 2011, Canada, provinces and territories

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Population estimates1, age distribution and median age as of July 1, 2011, Canada, provinces and territories
  Population 0 to 14 years 15 to 64 years 65 years and over Median age
  number % years
Canada 34,482,779 16.4 69.2 14.4 39.9
Newfoundland and Labrador 510,578 14.8 69.4 15.8 43.8
Prince Edward Island 145,855 16.1 68.1 15.8 42.2
Nova Scotia 945,437 14.7 68.8 16.5 43.1
New Brunswick 755,455 15.0 68.7 16.2 43.0
Quebec 7,979,663 15.6 68.7 15.7 41.4
Ontario 13,372,996 16.5 69.3 14.2 39.6
Manitoba 1,250,574 18.8 67.3 13.9 37.6
Saskatchewan 1,057,884 19.0 66.4 14.6 37.3
Alberta 3,779,353 18.4 70.8 10.8 36.0
British Columbia 4,573,321 15.0 69.7 15.3 41.1
Yukon 34,666 17.2 74.0 8.8 39.2
Northwest Territories 43,675 21.2 73.2 5.6 31.8
Nunavut 33,322 31.5 65.4 3.2 24.8
Preliminary postcensal estimates.
Figures in percent may not add up to 100% as a result of rounding.