Table 2
Capital spending of private and public organizations, construction and machinery and equipment, provinces and territories

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Capital spending of private and public organizations, construction and machinery and equipment, provinces and territories
  2009 actual 2010 preliminary actual 2011 intentions Actual 2009 to preliminary actual 2010 Preliminary actual 2010 to intentions 2011
  $ millions % change
Canada 306,608.1 338,051.7 349,095.1 10.3 3.3
Construction1 205,373.9 232,104.3 240,557.0 13.0 3.6
Machinery and equipment 101,234.3 105,947.5 108,538.1 4.7 2.4
Newfoundland and Labrador 4,949.0 6,548.5 8,329.7 32.3 27.2
Construction1 3,831.6 5,124.4 6,165.1 33.7 20.3
Machinery and equipment 1,117.4 1,424.1 2,164.6 27.4 52.0
Prince Edward Island 913.2 957.8 925.0 4.9 -3.4
Construction1 602.3 667.2 639.6 10.8 -4.1
Machinery and equipment 310.8 290.6 285.4 -6.5 -1.8
Nova Scotia 6,538.9 6,826.2 6,791.7 4.4 -0.5
Construction1 4,586.3 4,870.1 4,762.4 6.2 -2.2
Machinery and equipment 1,952.5 1,956.2 2,029.3 0.2 3.7
New Brunswick 5,915.8 5,831.6 5,606.6 -1.4 -3.9
Construction1 3,974.5 3,974.2 3,648.2 0.0 -8.2
Machinery and equipment 1,941.3 1,857.4 1,958.4 -4.3 5.4
Quebec 58,857.9 64,143.6 66,563.0 9.0 3.8
Construction1 40,252.8 45,482.0 46,801.4 13.0 2.9
Machinery and equipment 18,605.1 18,661.6 19,761.6 0.3 5.9
Ontario 97,694.0 109,215.3 109,997.0 11.8 0.7
Construction1 59,380.8 68,147.0 69,208.7 14.8 1.6
Machinery and equipment 38,313.3 41,068.3 40,788.3 7.2 -0.7
Manitoba 9,694.3 10,699.0 10,811.8 10.4 1.1
Construction1 6,718.8 7,556.1 7,451.9 12.5 -1.4
Machinery and equipment 2,975.5 3,142.8 3,360.0 5.6 6.9
Saskatchewan 14,944.8 15,852.6 16,998.6 6.1 7.2
Construction1 10,807.5 11,258.9 11,656.2 4.2 3.5
Machinery and equipment 4,137.3 4,593.7 5,342.4 11.0 16.3
Alberta 65,695.1 70,438.3 73,461.3 7.2 4.3
Construction1 44,707.2 48,604.4 52,526.6 8.7 8.1
Machinery and equipment 20,987.8 21,833.9 20,934.7 4.0 -4.1
British Columbia 39,001.0 44,470.3 46,036.9 14.0 3.5
Construction1 28,565.1 33,930.4 34,740.3 18.8 2.4
Machinery and equipment 10,435.9 10,539.9 11,296.6 1.0 7.2
Yukon 607.4 895.8 984.8 47.5 9.9
Construction1 483.5 682.0 744.6 41.1 9.2
Machinery and equipment 123.9 213.8 240.3 72.5 12.4
Northwest Territories 1,070.6 1,420.8 1,177.1 32.7 -17.1
Construction1 850.2 1,164.5 923.4 37.0 -20.7
Machinery and equipment 220.4 256.2 253.8 16.3 -1.0
Nunavut 726.2 752.0 1,411.6 3.5 87.7
Construction1 613.2 643.1 1,288.8 4.9 100.4
Machinery and equipment 113.0 108.9 122.8 -3.6 12.8
Data include residential and non-residential construction.
Data may not add up to totals as a result of rounding.