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Table 1 Employment Insurance: Statistics by province and territory

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Employment Insurance: Statistics by province and territory
  April 2010p May 2010p April to May 2010 May 2009 to May 2010 April to May 2010 May 2009 to May 2010
  Seasonally adjusted
  number change in number % change
Beneficiaries receiving regular benefits            
Canada 671,550 680,140 8,590 -111,320 1.3 -14.1
Newfoundland and Labrador 37,740 37,620 -120 -4,930 -0.3 -11.6
Prince Edward Island 8,590 8,820 230 -90 2.7 -1.0
Nova Scotia 31,460 32,730 1,270 -830 4.0 -2.5
New Brunswick 33,470 33,850 380 -2,050 1.1 -5.7
Quebec 186,480 190,670 4,190 -18,050 2.2 -8.6
Ontario 212,790 220,940 8,150 -56,980 3.8 -20.5
Manitoba 15,670 16,110 440 50 2.8 0.3
Saskatchewan 12,740 12,790 50 -1,330 0.4 -9.4
Alberta 50,240 49,280 -960 -7,350 -1.9 -13.0
British Columbia 81,190 82,330 1,140 -6,100 1.4 -6.9
Yukon 1,010 1,020 10 -100 1.0 -8.9
Northwest Territories 920 890 -30 -60 -3.3 -6.3
Nunavut 510 520 10 10 2.0 2.0
Initial and renewal claims received            
Canada 229,840 231,930 2,090 -95,770 0.9 -29.2
Newfoundland and Labrador 8,950 9,260 310 -810 3.5 -8.0
Prince Edward Island 2,330 2,440 110 -400 4.7 -14.1
Nova Scotia 9,350 9,580 230 -1,500 2.5 -13.5
New Brunswick 9,890 10,360 470 -190 4.8 -1.8
Quebec 66,490 67,270 780 -17,380 1.2 -20.5
Ontario 70,200 69,960 -240 -43,410 -0.3 -38.3
Manitoba 7,640 7,810 170 -1,890 2.2 -19.5
Saskatchewan 5,680 5,660 -20 -1,540 -0.4 -21.4
Alberta 17,870 18,420 550 -9,990 3.1 -35.2
British Columbia 28,600 27,820 -780 -9,900 -2.7 -26.2
Yukon 320 310 -10 -70 -3.1 -18.4
Northwest Territories 320 300 -20 -40 -6.3 -11.8
Nunavut 200 190 -10 10 -5.0 5.6
The number of beneficiaries receiving regular benefits excludes claimants receiving training, job creation and self-employment benefits as well as other employment and support measures benefits.