Statistics Canada
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Table 1 Retail sales by province and territory

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Retail sales by province and territory
  April 2009 March 2010r April 2010p March to April 2010 April 2009 to April 2010
  Seasonally adjusted
   $ millions % change
Canada 33,914 36,883 36,154 -2.0 6.6
Newfoundland and Labrador 583 639 619 -3.1 6.0
Prince Edward Island 140 152 150 -1.1 7.4
Nova Scotia 992 1,082 1,067 -1.4 7.6
New Brunswick 811 888 861 -3.1 6.1
Quebec 7,637 8,489 8,162 -3.9 6.9
Ontario 12,141 13,074 12,916 -1.2 6.4
Manitoba 1,208 1,317 1,293 -1.8 7.0
Saskatchewan 1,183 1,254 1,226 -2.3 3.6
Alberta 4,618 4,979 4,890 -1.8 5.9
British Columbia 4,478 4,875 4,841 -0.7 8.1
Yukon 43 48 46 -3.9 8.4
Northwest Territories 54 58 56 -3.8 4.1
Nunavut 28 29 28 -2.2 1.0
Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.