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Table 1 Employment Insurance: Statistics by province and territory

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Employment Insurance: Statistics by province and territory
  March 2010p April 2010p March to April 2010 April 2009 to April 2010 March to April 2010 April 2009 to April 2010
  Seasonally adjusted
  number change in number % change
Beneficiaries receiving regular benefits            
Canada 667,910 667,380 -530 -54,990 -0.1 -7.6
Newfoundland and Labrador 38,320 38,060 -260 -2,210 -0.7 -5.5
Prince Edward Island 8,660 8,520 -140 -40 -1.6 -0.5
Nova Scotia 32,240 31,480 -760 -1,390 -2.4 -4.2
New Brunswick 33,740 33,280 -460 -1,930 -1.4 -5.5
Quebec 186,610 185,770 -840 -17,940 -0.5 -8.8
Ontario 208,140 210,720 2,580 -29,630 1.2 -12.3
Manitoba 15,580 15,520 -60 420 -0.4 2.8
Saskatchewan 12,710 12,570 -140 -840 -1.1 -6.3
Alberta 52,360 49,900 -2,460 -1,040 -4.7 -2.0
British Columbia 80,650 80,820 170 -2,980 0.2 -3.6
Yukon 1,020 1,010 -10 -20 -1.0 -1.9
Northwest Territories 920 920 0 -20 0.0 -2.1
Nunavut 500 510 10 10 2.0 2.0
Initial and renewal claims received            
Canada 228,360 227,790 -570 -85,510 -0.2 -27.3
Newfoundland and Labrador 9,070 8,910 -160 -940 -1.8 -9.5
Prince Edward Island 2,250 2,300 50 -280 2.2 -10.9
Nova Scotia 9,430 9,330 -100 -1,670 -1.1 -15.2
New Brunswick 9,770 9,870 100 -570 1.0 -5.5
Quebec 65,660 66,560 900 -19,330 1.4 -22.5
Ontario 71,970 70,390 -1,580 -39,710 -2.2 -36.1
Manitoba 7,280 7,640 360 -1,220 4.9 -13.8
Saskatchewan 5,500 5,670 170 -700 3.1 -11.0
Alberta 17,930 16,730 -1,200 -9,690 -6.7 -36.7
British Columbia 28,500 28,820 320 -7,790 1.1 -21.3
Yukon 290 320 30 -20 10.3 -5.9
Northwest Territories 360 320 -40 -10 -11.1 -3.0
Nunavut 170 200 30 40 17.6 25.0
The number of beneficiaries receiving regular benefits excludes claimants receiving training, job creation and self-employment benefits as well as other employment and support measures benefits.