Chart 2
Goods balances by geographic area

billions of dollars -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 I II 2017 III IV I II 2018 III IV I II 2019 III IV I II 2020 III IV I II 2021 III IV I 2022 United StatesUnited States All countries other than the United StatesAll countries other than the United States All countriesAll countries
Data are seasonally adjusted.

Chart description

This is a combined line chart.

Goods balances by geographic area, billions of dollars
  United States All countries other than the United States All countries
First quarter 2017 12.279 -14.306 -2.027
Second quarter 2017 9.549 -15.739 -6.190
Third quarter 2017 7.744 -16.784 -9.040
Fourth quarter 2017 9.765 -17.007 -7.242
First quarter 2018 8.976 -16.407 -7.431
Second quarter 2018 12.653 -16.855 -4.202
Third quarter 2018 15.496 -16.589 -1.093
Fourth quarter 2018 5.611 -14.691 -9.080
First quarter 2019 10.619 -20.205 -9.586
Second quarter 2019 15.171 -17.378 -2.207
Third quarter 2019 13.672 -17.722 -4.050
Fourth quarter 2019 14.177 -16.743 -2.566
First quarter 2020 6.038 -16.580 -10.542
Second quarter 2020 5.003 -13.916 -8.913
Third quarter 2020 6.871 -17.404 -10.533
Fourth quarter 2020 7.740 -17.578 -9.838
First quarter 2021 17.251 -16.591 0.660
Second quarter 2021 19.525 -19.765 -0.240
Third quarter 2021 22.310 -20.635 1.675
Fourth quarter 2021 24.716 -22.272 2.444
First quarter 2022 33.087 -24.437 8.650
Data are seasonally adjusted.
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