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Construction Union Wage Rate Index, September 2019

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Released: 2019-10-24

The Construction Union Wage Rate Index (including supplements) for Canada remained unchanged in September from the previous month. The index for all trades (including supplements) rose 0.5% over the 12 month period ending in September.

  Note to readers

Starting in December 2019, the Construction Union Wage Rate Index will be released on a semi-annual basis: in June (May reference month) and in December (November reference month). This will correspond to the majority of updates to construction union wage rates.

Union wage rates are published for 17 trades in 25 metropolitan areas for both the basic rates and the rates that include selected supplementary payments. The indexes (2015=100) are calculated for the same metropolitan areas and are published for those where a majority of trades are covered by current collective agreements.

The wage rates and indexes are subject to a 30-month revision period after the dissemination of a given month's data. This is due to the length of time that can transpire between the expiration of a collective agreement and the ratification of a new collective agreement.

The wage rates and indexes are not seasonally adjusted.


Statistics Canada has launched the Producer Prices Portal as part of a suite of portals for prices and price indexes. This webpage provides Canadians with a single point of access to a wide variety of statistics and measures related to producer prices. The portal offers an array of information on topics such as manufacturing, construction, professional services, distributive trades and financial services, and will be updated regularly, as new information becomes available.

The video "Producer Price Indexes" is available on the Statistics Canada Training Institute webpage. It provides an introduction to Statistics Canada's producer price indexes—what they are, how they are produced, and what they are used for.

A Historical Timeline of Canadian Producer Price Statistics

"A Historical Timeline of Canadian Producer Price Statistics," part of the Prices Analytical Series (Catalogue number62F0014M), was created to showcase the key milestones in the history of Canadian producer price statistics. This historical timeline contains answers to questions such as: "Who collected Canada's first statistics?" and "What do Canadian producer price indexes measure?"

Infographic: Producer Price Indexes at a Glance

The infographic "Producer Price Indexes at a Glance," part of Statistics Canada — Infographics (Catalogue number11-627-M), demonstrates how producer price indexes for goods and services are calculated and why they are important for the Canadian economy.

Contact information

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; or Media Relations (613-951-4636;

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