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Number of cattle and calves: Census of Agriculture — B.C.
(period-to-period change)
Number of pigs: Census of Agriculture — B.C.
(period-to-period change)
Number of hens and chickens: Census of Agriculture — B.C.
(period-to-period change)
Fluctuating prices and demand, coupled with improved production efficiencies, continued to shape the livestock sector in 2016.
Beef cattle for breeding and feeding purposes decreased 2.4% from 2011 to 2016, with both the cow-calf and the feedlot sectors showing marginal changes in reported cattle.
The number of dairy cattle decreased 3.8% from 2011, while milk production continued to increase.
Pig inventories increased 11.1% from 2011 to 2016, recovering from unfavourable market conditions in the pig sector prior to 2011.
Poultry production increased for both meat and eggs, in response to consumer demand.
Based on the data from the 2016 Census of Agriculture, the infographic "Livestock in Canada" (Catalogue number11-627-M) gives a visual overview of the livestock sector in Canada.