Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products - ARCHIVED

Tables: 55-201-X


The publication presents information from companies primarily engaged in the gathering and transportation of crude oil and liquefied petroleum gases to refineries and for export. Details include: operating revenue/expenses, employment and payroll, balance sheet data, pumping stations, pipeline length and truck line systems, receipts and disposition of crude oil, summary of pipeline movements of crude oil and equivalent and liquified petroleum gases.


This product has been discontinued as of January 2003. The last issue of this publication was 2001. Other data tables are available through CANSIM; tables 128-0016, 128-0017, 133-0001, 133-0002, 133-0003, 133-0004 and 133-0005 at www.statcan.gc.ca.

Status: Discontinued
Frequency: Annual
Available formats: PDF (discontinued), Paper (discontinued)