Population Projections for Canada (2013 to 2063), Provinces and Territories (2013 to 2038): Technical Report on Methodology and Assumptions

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Report written by Nora Bohnert, Jonathan Chagnon, Simon Coulombe, Patrice Dion and Laurent Martel

The data in Table 7.2, for the column Estimated average 2010/2012, have been corrected for categories “Workers”, “Students” and “Refugees”.


The methods used to project the population are constantly evolving. Following the publication of the 2009 to 2036 edition, the Demographic Analysis and Cohort-Component Projections Section of Statistics Canada’s Demography Division conducted a review of its methods while considering the most recent developments in the field of population projections. The review led to a number of changes in methods and the introduction of many innovations. Hence, it was a good time to publish a separate, more detailed report describing the methods used to calculate the projection parameters and develop the assumptions.

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