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Mendelson, Robert and Janet Lefebvre. 2003. Reviewing Census Metropolitan Areas (CMA) and Census Agglomerations (CA) in Canada According to Metropolitan Functionality. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92F0138MIE. Ottawa. Geography Working Paper Series, no. 2003001.
Nadwodny, Richard A., Henry A. Puderer and Richard L. Forstall. 1990. Metropolitan area delineation: a Canadian-U.S. comparison. Paper presented at the Population Association of America Conference held May 3-5, 1990 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ross, Grafton. 1984. Census metropolitan area/census agglomeration program: a review, 1941-1981. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 99-978. Ottawa. Geography Working Paper Series, no. 8.
Statistics Canada. 2002. 2001 Census Dictionary, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-378-XPE. Ottawa.
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