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Record layouts and data descriptions
Attribute domain values
Software formats
System requirements
File extension and accented character in formation
Geographic representation
File naming convention

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Record layouts and data descriptions

The following table identifies and briefly describes the selected attributes comprising the content of the 2011 Census Road Network File.

Table 4.1 2011 Census Road Network File record layoutTable 4.1 2011 Census Road Network File record layout

Attribute domain values

Representation of unknown or no value

The null value is used to represent values of the street's name, type, direction and address range that are either missing or non-existent.

The null value is also used for geographic unique identifier, name and type to indicate that it is outside of Canada, or inside Canada but not applicable.

Street type

This indicates the street type associated with the arc.

Table 4.2 Street typeTable 4.2 Street type

Street direction

Street direction can be used in conjunction with street name and type to identify common street elements (e.g., Elm ST S versus Elm ST W or Elm ST). Street direction has no relation to the direction the street arc was digitized.

Table 4.3 Street directionTable 4.3 Street direction

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Census subdivisions are classified according to designations adopted by provincial/territorial or federal authorities.

Table for Census subdivisions are classified according to designations adopted by provincial/territorial or federal authorities
CSDTYPE CSD description 
< Null > not applicable
C City / Cité
CC Chartered community
CG Community government
CN Crown colony / Colonie de la couronne
COM Community
CT Canton (municipalité de)
CU Canton unis (municipalité de)
CV City / Ville
CY City
DM District municipality
HAM Hamlet
ID Improvement district
IGD Indian government district
IM Island municipality
IRI Indian reserve / Réserve indienne
LGD Local government district
LOT Township and royalty
M Municipality / Municipalité
MD Municipal district
MU Municipality
NH Northern hamlet
NL Nisga'a land
NO Unorganized / Non organisé
NV Northern village
P Parish / Paroisse (municipalité de)
PE Paroisse (municipalité de)
RCR Rural community / Communauté rurale
RDA Regional district electoral area
RG Region
RGM Regional municipality
RM Rural municipality
RV Resort village
S-É Indian settlement / Établissement indien
SA Special area
SC Subdivision of county municipality / Subdivision municipalité de comté
Settlement / Établissement
SET Settlement
SG Self-government / Autonomie gouvernementale
SM Specialized municipality
SNO Subdivision of unorganized / Subdivision non organisée
SV Summer village
T Town
TC Terres réservées aux Cris
TI Terre inuite
TK Terres réservées aux Naskapis
TL Teslin land
TP Township
TV Town / Ville
V Ville
VC Village cri
VK Village naskapi
VL Village
VN Village nordique


Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration type.

Table for Census metropolitan area or census agglomeration type, right-hand side of arc
CMATYPE CMA description
B Census metropolitan area (CMA)
D Census agglomeration (CA) that is not tracted
K Census agglomeration (CA) that is tracted
< Null >  not applicable (outside of CMA or CA)


Uniquely identifies a province or territory.

Table for Province or territory name, right-hand side of arc
PRUID Province or territory name
10 Newfoundland and Labrador/Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
11 Prince Edward Island/Île-du-Prince-Édouard
12 Nova Scotia/Nouvelle-Écosse
13 New Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick
24 Quebec/Québec
35 Ontario
46 Manitoba
47 Saskatchewan
48 Alberta
59 British Columbia/Colombie-Britannique
60 Yukon
61 Northwest Territories/Territoires du Nord-Ouest
62 Nunavut
< Null >   not applicable (outside of Canada)


Rank is a value assigned to a street arc to facilitate the selection of streets.

Table for A value assigned to a road arc to facilitate the selection of road ranks
Street rank code Street rank description
1 Trans-Canada Highway (Transport Canada)
2 National Highway System (Transport Canada) (not rank 1)
3 Major Highway (not rank 1 or 2)
4 Secondary Highway, Major Street (not rank 1, 2, or 3)
5 All other streets (not rank 1, 2, 3 or 4)

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A code that identifies the different types of street features.

Table for Identifies the different types of road features
Street class code Street class description
10 Highway
11 Expressway
12 Primary highway
13 Secondary highway
20 Road
21 Arterial
22 Collector
23 Local
24 Alley/Lane/Utility
25 Connector/Ramp
26 Reserve/Trail
27 Rapid transit
28 Planned
29 Strata
80 Bridge/Tunnel
90 Unknown

Software formats

The Road Network File is available for download from the Statistics Canada website in the following formats:

  • ArcInfo®
    File extension: .shp
  • Geography Markup Language (GML) 3.1.1
    File extension: .gml
  • MapInfo®
    File extension: .tab

System requirements

Not applicable

File extension and accented character information

The ArcInfo®, Geography Markup Language and MapInfo® files are compressed into WinZip® files (file extension .zip).

A XML schema file (.xsd) is included to describe and validate the structure and content of the .gml files.

The street names in the Road Network File contain accented characters. They were successfully tested on desktop versions of ArcGIS 9.3.1 and MapInfo® 11.0.1.

Geographic representation

The Road Network File is available on the Statistics Canada website in the following geographic representation:

Datum: NAD83
Coordinates: Longitude/Latitude

The North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) is an adjustment of the 1927 datum that reflects the higher accuracy of geodetic surveying.

The geographical coordinate system is the primary locational reference system for the earth. This system provides for the unique statement of location for features such as points, lines and polygons.

Users of the Census Road Network Files can transform the files into the representation that best satisfies their needs knowing the effects these representations have on angles, areas, distances and direction. Users have the option to choose the best projection in concert with the maps objectives.

File naming convention

Spatial product file names follow a file naming convention. The geographic area and code, file type, geographic reference date, software type and language are embedded within the file name. Standardizing the names of the files facilitates the storage of compressed files, all having the extension .zip.

Each file name is 13 characters in length. All alphabetic characters are in lower case to maintain consistency.

First character: projection of file

g - projection of file is Geographic (latitude/longitude)

Next three characters: primary geographic level of file/type of file

rnf - road network file

Next three numbers: geographic code of coverage

000 - Canada

Next character: file type

r - road network file

Next two numbers: geographic reference date

The geographic reference date is a date determined by Statistics Canada for the purpose of finalizing the geographic framework for which census data are collected, tabulated and reported. For the 2011 Census, the geographic reference date is January 1, 2011.

11 - geographic reference date is 2011

Next character: file format

a - ArcInfo® (.shp)
g - Geography Markup Language (.gml)
m - MapInfo® (.tab)

Final two characters: language

_e - English
_f - French