Table 2
Key assumptions relating to Aboriginal peoples1 being used for the analysis of the population projections by Aboriginal identity in Canada, 2006 to 2031

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Table 2
Key assumptions relating to Aboriginal peoplesNote 1 being used for the analysis of the population projections by Aboriginal identity in Canada, 2006 to 2031
Component Number of assumption(s) Details
Fertility 2 1 - Constant: constant level and maintenance of the gap in fertility between Aboriginal and non Aboriginal populations
2 - Converging: decrease of 50% in the gap between the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations
Intergenerational ethnic mobility 1 Constant to the level estimated in 2006
Registered Indian status transmission 1 Constant to the level estimated in 2006
Mortality 1 Moderate life expectancy increase and maintenance of the gap between the Aboriginal and non Aboriginal populations
International migration 1 Zero international net migration for Aboriginal population
Internal migration 2 1 - Average: estimated in 1995/1996, 2000/2001 and 2005/2006
2 - Zero net migration on reserve
Intragenerational ethnic mobility 2 1 - No intragenerational ethnic mobility
2 - Constant mobility to the level estimated between 1996 and 2006
1. Assumptions related to the rest of the population are presented further in the text.
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