Appendix E - Supporting tables

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Table 2.1.1
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the first official language spoken, Quebec and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.1.2
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by mother tongue, Quebec and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.1.3
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by main language, Quebec and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.1.4
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the language of interview, Quebec and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.2
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the level of identification to the anglophone and francophone groups, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.3.1
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the level of identification to the anglophone and francophone groups, New Brunswick and regions, 2006

Table 2.3.2
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the level of identification to the anglophone and francophone groups, Ontario and regions, 2006

Table 2.4
Percentage of English-speaking adults by the level of identification to the anglophone and francophone groups, Quebec and regions, 2006

Table 2.5.1
Percentage of English-speaking adults by the level of importance of using English in their daily lives by the proportion of English-speaking adults in their municipality, Quebec, 2006

Table 2.5.2
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the level of importance of using French in their daily lives by the proportion of French-speaking adults in their municipality, Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.6
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the importance that linguistic rights be respected in their province by main language, Canada less Quebec excluding New Brunswick, 2006

Table 2.7
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the importance given to provincial and federal government services being provided in French, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.8
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the perception that the presence of the French language has decreased, stayed the same or increased in the last 10 years in the municipality where they live, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.9.1
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the perception that the presence of the French language has decreased, stayed the same or increased in the last 10 years in the municipality where they live, Ontario and regions, 2006

Table 2.10
Percentage of English-speaking adults by the perception that the presence of the English language has decreased, stayed the same or increased in the last 10 years in the municipality where they live, Quebec and regions, 2006

Table 2.11
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the perception that the French language will increase, stay the same or decrease in their municipality in the next 10 years, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.12
Percentage of English-speaking adults by the perception that the English language will increase, stay the same or decrease in their municipality in the next 10 years, Quebec and regions, 2006

Table 2.13.1
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the perception of the presence of the minority language in the media (television, radio or newspapers) in their municipality, Quebec and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.13.2
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the perception of the presence of the minority language in businesses and stores in their municipality, Quebec and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.13.3
Proportion of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the perception of the presence of the minority language in provincial government services offered in their municipality, Quebec and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.13.4
Proportion of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the perception of the presence of the minority language in federal government services offered in their municipality, Quebec and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.14
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the perception of the vitality of the francophone community in their municipality, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.15.1
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the perception of the vitality of the francophone community in their municipality, New Brunswick and regions, 2006

Table 2.15.2
Distribution of French-speaking adults by the perception of the vitality of the francophone community in their municipality, Ontario and regions, 2006

Table 2.16
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the perception of the vitality of the francophone community in their municipality and by the proportion of French-speaking adults in their municipality, Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.17
Percentage of English-speaking adults by the perception of the vitality of the anglophone community in their municipality by the proportion of English-speaking adults in their municipality, Quebec, 2006

Table 2.2
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the level of identification to the anglophone and francophone groups, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.3.1
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the level of identification to the anglophone and francophone groups, New Brunswick and regions, 2006

Table 2.3.2
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the level of identification to the anglophone and francophone groups, Ontario and regions, 2006

Table 2.4
Percentage of English-speaking adults by the level of identification to the anglophone and francophone groups, Quebec and regions, 2006

Table 2.5.1
Percentage of English-speaking adults by the level of importance of using English in their daily lives by the proportion of English-speaking adults in their municipality, Quebec, 2006

Table 2.5.2
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the level of importance of using French in their daily lives by the proportion of French-speaking adults in their municipality, Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.6
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the importance that linguistic rights be respected in their province by main language, Canada less Quebec excluding New Brunswick, 2006

Table 2.7
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the importance given to provincial and federal government services being provided in French, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.8
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the perception that the presence of the French language has decreased, stayed the same or increased in the last 10 years in the municipality where they live, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 2.9.1
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the perception that the presence of the French language has decreased, stayed the same or increased in the last 10 years in the municipality where they live, Ontario and regions, 2006

Table 3.1
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the language used with friends, selected regions, 2006

Table 3.2
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the language used during contact with institutions, selected regions, 2006

Table 3.3
Percentage of French-speaking adults by language used for media consumption (radio, television, internet, newspapers), selected regions, 2006

Table 3.4
Percentage of English-speaking adults by the language used with immediate contacts, selected regions, 2006

Table 3.5
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the general index of language use, Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5a
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who were members of organizations, networks or associations during the 12 months before the survey by the language used during these activities, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Tableau 3.5b
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have used other health services during the 12 months before the survey by the language used with the health professional, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5c
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have used the services of a lawyer and/or notary during the two years before the survey by the language used with the professional, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5d
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have done volunteer work during the 12 months before the survey according to the language used during these activities, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5e
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the language used with employees in the stores they visit most often, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5f
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have had contact with an employee of the federal government in the two years before the survey by the frequency of use of the minority language, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5g
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have had contact with an employee of their municipal government in the two years before the survey by the frequency of use of the minority language, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5h
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have had contact with an employee from the provincial government during the two years before the survey by the frequency of use of the minority language, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5i
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the language used with friends, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5j
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the language used when filling in written forms, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5k
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the language spoken at home, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5l
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have used the services of a nurse in the 12 months before the survey by the language used with the health professional, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5m
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have used the telephone health line or telehealth service in the 12 months before the survey by the language used with the health professional, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5n
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who use the internet by the language used, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5o
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who read newspapers by the language used, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5p
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who read books by the language used, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5q
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have used the services of their family doctor in the 12 months before the survey by the language used with the health professional, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5r
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have come into contact with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the two years before the survey by the language used on these occasions, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5s
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have come into contact with the municipal police in the two years before the survey by the language used on these occasions, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5t
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have come into contact with the provincial police in the two years before the survey by the language used on these occasions, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5u
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who listen to the radio by language used, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5v
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who provided support for daily activities to someone not living in their household in the 12 months before the survey by the language used on these occasion, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5w
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who have practiced organized sports during the 12 months before the survey by the language used during these activities, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5x
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who watch television by the language used, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.5y
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority by the language used when speaking to their closest neighbours, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.6
Mean of the general language use index for French-speaking adults by main language, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.7
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the general index of language use, New Brunswick and regions, 2006

Table 3.8
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the general index of language use, Ontario and regions, 2006

Table 3.9
Percentage of English-speaking adults by different language use indices, Quebec, 2006

Table 3.10
Percentage of English-speaking adults by the general language use index, Quebec and regions, 2006

Table 3.11
Percentage of French-speaking adults by the general index of language use by the proportion of French-speaking adults in the municipality, Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.12
Percentage of English-speaking adults by language use general index by the proportion of English-speaking adults in the municipality, Quebec, 2006

Table 3.13
Mean of the language use general index for adults belonging to the official-language minority by the proportion of minority speaking adults in the municipality of residence, Quebec and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 3.14
Mean of the language use index for different domains for French-speaking adults by the proportion of French-speaking adults in the municipality of residence, Canada less Quebec, 2006

Tableau 3.15
Mean of the language use index for different domains for English-speaking adults by the proportion of English-speaking adults in the municipality of residence, Quebec, 2006

Table 4.2
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who know both English and French by the importance given to obtaining health services in the minority language, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 4.3.1
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who know both English and French by the importance given to obtaining health services in the minority language by the proportion of English-speaking adults in their municipality, Quebec, 2006

Table 4.3.2
Percentage of adults belonging to the official-language minority who know both English and French by the importance given to obtaining health services in the minority language by the proportion of French-speaking adults in their municipality, Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 4.4
Percentage of French-speaking adults who know both English and French by the perceived level of difficulty in obtaining health services in the minority language, provinces and Canada less Quebec, 2006

Table 5.1a
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Newfoundland and Labrador, 2006

Table 5.1b
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Newfoundland and Labrador, 2006

Table 5.1c
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Newfoundland and Labrador, 2006

Table 5.1d
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Newfoundland and Labrador, 2006

Table 5.2a
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Prince Edward Island, 2006

Table 5.2b
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Prince Edward Island, 2006

Table 5.2c
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Prince Edward Island, 2006

Table 5.2d
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Prince Edward Island, 2006

Table 5.3a
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Nova Scotia, 2006

Table 5.3b
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Nova Scotia, 2006

Table 5.3c
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Nova Scotia, 2006

Table 5.3d
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Nova Scotia, 2006

Table 5.4a
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, New Brunswick, 2006

Table 5.4b
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, New Brunswick, 2006

Table 5.4c
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, New Brunswick, 2006

Table 5.4d
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, New Brunswick, 2006

Table 5.5a
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Ontario, 2006

Table 5.5b
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Ontario, 2006

Table 5.5c
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Ontario, 2006

Table 5.5d
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Ontario, 2006

Table 5.6a
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Manitoba, 2006

Table 5.6b
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Manitoba, 2006

Table 5.6c
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Manitoba, 2006

Table 5.6d
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Manitoba, 2006

Table 5.7a
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Saskatchewan, 2006

Table 5.7b
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Saskatchewan, 2006

Table 5.7c
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Saskatchewan, 2006

Table 5.7d
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Saskatchewan, 2006

Table 5.8a
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Alberta, 2006

Table 5.8b
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Alberta, 2006

Table 5.8c
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Alberta, 2006

Table 5.8d
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Alberta, 2006

Table 5.9a
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, British Columbia, 2006

Table 5.9b
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, British Columbia, 2006

Table 5.9c
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, British Columbia, 2006

Table 5.9d
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, British Columbia, 2006

Table 5.10a
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Territories, 2006

Table 5.10b
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Territories, 2006

Table 5.10c
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the primary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Territories, 2006

Table 5.10d
Distribution of children with at least one French-speaking parent by the language of the secondary school attended, by parents' rights holder status, Territories, 2006