Table 13a
Farms classified by total farm area and declared land tenure, three agricultural regions of Manitoba, 2011

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Table 13a
Farms classified by total farm area and declared land tenure, three agricultural regions of Manitoba, 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of Farms classified by total farm area and declared land tenure Agricultural region 7, Agricultural region 8, Agricultural region 9 and Total
Manitoba, calculated using number and percent units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Agricultural region 7 Agricultural region 8 Agricultural region 9 Total
number percent number percent number percent number percent
Farms classified by total farm area
Farms under 130 acres 308 16.7 467 20.3 713 38.2 2,743 17.3
Farms between 130 and 399 acres 399 21.7 485 21.1 480 25.7 3,615 22.8
Farms between 400 and 1,119 acres 534 29.0 655 28.5 393 21.0 4,384 27.6
Farms between 1,120 and 2,879 acres 423 23.0 539 23.5 209 11.2 3,632 22.9
Farms 2,880 acres and over 178 9.7 152 6.6 73 3.9 1,503 9.5
Land TenureTable 13a Note 1
Area owned 1,773 96.3 2,192 95.4 1,802 96.5 15,278 96.2
Area leased from governments 166 9.0 96 4.2 81 4.3 1,909 12.0
Area rented or leased from others 889 48.3 1,244 54.1 704 37.7 7,210 45.4
Area crop-shared from others 78 4.2 163 7.1 52 2.8 724 4.6
Land area used through other arrangements 82 4.5 110 4.8 94 5.0 793 5.0
Total area of land used by others 458 24.9 576 25.1 378 20.2 3,503 22.1
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