Description for chart 4
One in eight parents outside Quebec had no direct cost of child care for their preschooler

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The title of the graph is "Chart 4 One in eight parents outside Quebec had no direct cost of child care for their preschooler."
This is a column clustered chart.
There are in total 6 categories in the horizontal axis. The vertical axis starts at 0 and ends at 70 with ticks every 10 points.
There are 2 series in this graph.
The vertical axis is "percent of parents using full-time care."
The horizontal axis is "Monthly cost in dollars ($)."
The title of series 1 is "Canada excluding Quebec."
The minimum value is 5 and it corresponds to "Less than 200."
The maximum value is 33 and it corresponds to "800 and over."
The title of series 2 is "Quebec."
The minimum value is 0 and it corresponds to "No direct cost and 800 and over."
The maximum value is 63 and it corresponds to "Less than 200."

Data table for chart 4
  Canada excluding Quebec Quebec
No direct cost 12 0
Less than 200 5 63
200 to 399 9 11
400 to 599 19 12
600 to 799 21 8
800 and over 33 0
F too unreliable to be published
E use with caution
Notes: Full-time child care comprises at least 30 or more hours of care a week. Monthly dollar amount is based on cost per child and not on total household cost.
Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2011.
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