Table 5
Distribution of unmarried people not in a common-law relationship, by age group and being in an intimate relationship with someone they do not live with, Canada, 2011

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Table 5
Distribution of unmarried people not in a common-law relationship, by age group and being in an intimate relationship with someone they do not live with, Canada, 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of distribution of unmarried people not in a common-law relationship. The information is grouped by age group (appearing as row headers), in an intimate relationship with someone living in another household, not in an intimate relationship and total, calculated using number (in thousands) and % units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Age group In an intimate relationship with someone living in another household Not in an intimate relationship Total
(in thousands)
% Number
(in thousands)
% Number
(in thousands)
15 to 19 years 536 25 1,598 75 2,141 100
20 to 29 years 1,138 36 2,008 63 3,168 100
30 to 39 years 237 25 688 73 941 100
40 to 49 years 231 22 787 76 1,030 100
50 to 59 years 171 16 881 83 1,062 100
60 years and more 154 7 2,029 92 2,199 100
Total 2,465 23 7,991 76 10,541 100
E use with caution.
F too unreliable to be published.
X suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.
Note: Percentages may not add to 100%. Totals include the "don't know" and "refused" categories, which are not shown in the table.
Source: Statistics Canada, General Social Survey, 2011.
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