Aboriginal Peoples Survey: Inuit Health and Social Conditions, Supporting Data Tables

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About the Aboriginal Peoples Survey

The Aboriginal Peoples Survey is a national survey of Aboriginal peoples (First Nations peoples living off-reserve, Métis and Inuit) living in urban, rural and northern locations throughout Canada. The survey provides valuable data on the social and economic conditions of Aboriginal children and youth (6 to 14 years) and Aboriginal adults (15 years and over).

The Aboriginal Peoples Survey was developed and implemented in partnership with the following National Aboriginal Organizations:

  • Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP);
  • Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK);
  • Métis National Council (MNC);
  • National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC);
  • Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC).

The survey was funded by a Consortium of federal departments including Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC), Health Canada (HC), Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and Canadian Heritage (CH).

The survey includes a broad range of topics such as Aboriginal identity and ancestry, education, language, labour activity, income, health, communication technology, mobility, housing and family background.

Aboriginal organizations, governments at all levels, service providers and researchers will be able to use information from the APS to:

  • Inform decision-making (Program/Policy planning and development);
  • Support academic research (Educators and researchers).

The Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) is a post-censal survey, that is, the sample was selected from people living in private households whose response on their 2006 Census questionnaire indicated that they:

  • had Aboriginal ancestors and / or
  • identified as North American Indian and / or Métis and / or Inuit, and / or
  • had treaty or registered Indian status and / or
  • had Indian Band membership.

This series of supporting data tables accompanies the Inuit analytical article from the 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS). These tables provide data at the national level, for each of the four Inuit regions (Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, Nunavut and the Inuvialuit region), along with data for Inuit outside these regions for major themes covered in the analytical article.  Data for the Inuit identity population aged 15 and over are provided for: Participation in harvesting activities; diagnosed with arthritis/rheumatism, high blood pressure, asthma, stomach problems or intestinal ulcers, heart problems, tuberculosis and diabetes; smoking status; self-rated health status and; reasons for not completing elementary or secondary school. For Inuit children aged 6 to 14, tables include: contact with a paediatrician, general practitioner or family physician in past 12 months; contact with another medical specialist and; food insecurity.

More detailed information about the survey is available in the Aboriginal Peoples Survey, 2006 Concepts and Methods Guide (catalogue number 89-637-X 2008003).

Table 1-1 Self rated health status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Canada, 2006

Table 1-2 Self rated health status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Inuit Nunaat, 2006

Table 1-3 Self rated health status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex, Inuit regions, 2006

Table 2-1 Contact with a medical doctor in past 12 months, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Canada and Inuit regions, 2006

Table 3-1 Contact with a paediatrician, general practicioner or family physician in past 12 months, Inuit children aged 6 to 14, Canada and Inuit regions, 2006

Table 3-2 Contact with a medical specialist in past 12 months, Inuit children aged 6 to 14, Canada and Inuit regions, 2006

Table 4-1 Diagnosed with arthritis/rheumatism, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Canada and Inuit regions, 2006

Table 4-2 Diagnosed with high blood pressure, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Canada and Inuit regions, 2006

Table 4-3 Diagnosed with asthma, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Canada and Inuit regions, 2006

Table 4-4 Diagnosed with stomach problems or intestinal ulcers, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Canada and Inuit regions, 2006

Table 4-5 Diagnosed with heart problems, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Canada and Inuit regions, 2006

Table 4-6 Diagnosed with tuberculosis, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Canada and Inuit regions, 2006

Table 4-7 Diagnosed with diabetes, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Canada and Inuit regions, 2006

Table 5-1 Smoking status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Canada, 2006

Table 5-2 Smoking status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Inuit Nunaat, 2006

Table 5-3 Smoking status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Nunatsiavut, 2006

Table 5-4 Smoking status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Nunavik, 2006

Table 5-5 Smoking status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Nunavut, 2006

Table 5-6 Smoking status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Inuvialuit region, 2006

Table 5-7 Smoking status, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, outside Inuit Nunaat, 2006

Table 6-1 Inuit children aged 6 to 14 who experienced hunger and how often they experienced hunger, Canada, 2006

Table 6-2 Inuit children aged 6 to 14 who experienced hunger and how often they experienced hunger, Inuit Nunaat, 2006

Table 6-3 Inuit children aged 6 to 14 who experienced hunger and how often they experienced hunger, Nunatsiavut, 2006

Table 6-4 Inuit children aged 6 to 14 who experienced hunger and how often they experienced hunger, Nunavik, 2006

Table 6-5 Inuit children aged 6 to 14 who experienced hunger and how often they experienced hunger, Nunavut, 2006

Table 6-6 Inuit children aged 6 to 14 who experienced hunger and how often they experienced hunger, Inuvialuit region, 2006

Table 6-7 Inuit children aged 6 to 14 who experienced hunger and how often they experienced hunger, outside Inuit Nunaat, 2006

Table 7-1 Reasons for not completing elementary or high school by sex, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Canada, 2006

Table 7-2 Reasons for not completing elementary or high school by sex, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Inuit Nunaat, 2006

Table 7-3 Reasons for not completing elementary or high school by sex, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Nunatsiavut, 2006

Table 7-4 Reasons for not completing elementary or high school by sex, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Nunavik, 2006

Table 7-5 Reasons for not completing elementary or high school by sex, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Nunavut, 2006

Table 7-6 Reasons for not completing elementary or high school by sex, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, Inuvialuit region, 2006

Table 7-7 Reasons for not completing elementary or high school by sex, Inuit adults aged 15 and over, outside Inuit Nunaat, 2006

Table 8-1 Harvesting country food in previous year, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Inuit Nunaat, 2006

Table 8-2 Harvesting country food in previous year, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Nunatsiavut, 2006

Table 8-3 Harvesting country food in previous year, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Nunavik, 2006

Table 8-4 Harvesting country food in previous year, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Nunavut, 2006

Table 8-5 Harvesting country food in previous year, Inuit adults aged 15 and over by sex and age group, Inuvialuit region, 2006