Table C.4.13a
Mean scores of Grade 8 students, Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) reading assessment, Canada and provinces, 2013, 2016

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Table C.4.13a
Mean scores of Grade 8 students, Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) reading assessment, Canada and provinces, 2013, 2016C.4.13a Note 1
Table summary
This table displays the results of Mean scores of Grade 8 students Reading, Anglophone school system, Francophone school system and Total (appearing as column headers).
Anglophone school system Francophone school system Total
Mean score Statistically different from Canada Low 95% confidence interval High 95% confidence interval Mean score Statistically different from Canada Low 95% confidence interval High 95% confidence interval Mean score Statistically different from Canada Low 95% confidence interval High 95% confidence interval
Canada 510 Note ...: not applicable 507.9 512.1 501 Note ...: not applicable 498.8 503.2 508 Note ...: not applicable 506.0 510.0
Newfoundland and Labrador 495 Note * 490.5 499.5 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 495 Note * 491.2 498.8
Prince Edward Island 496 Note * 490.5 501.5 Note ..: not available for a specific reference period Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 494 Note * 489.6 498.4
Nova Scotia 489 Note * 485.0 493.0 468 Note * 464.1 471.9 488 Note * 484.8 491.2
New Brunswick 466 Note * 462.3 469.7 485 Note * 480.4 489.6 471 Note * 468.0 474.0
Quebec 497 Note * 493.1 500.9 504 500.7 507.3 503 Note * 500.5 505.5
Ontario 526 Note * 522.5 529.5 481 Note * 477.8 484.2 524 Note * 520.4 527.6
Manitoba 469 Note * 466.2 471.8 471 Note * 467.9 474.1 469 Note * 466.1 471.9
Saskatchewan 487 Note * 484.5 489.5 478 Note * 475.6 480.4 487 Note * 483.9 490.1
Alberta 503 Note * 499.0 507.0 473 Note * 469.0 477.0 502 Note * 498.3 505.7
British Columbia 502 Note * 498.7 505.3 499 490.7 507.3 502 Note * 498.6 505.4
Canada 509 Note ...: not applicable 506.7 511.3 500 Note ...: not applicable 495.7 504.3 507 Note ...: not applicable 504.9 509.1
Newfoundland and Labrador 491 Note * 486.2 495.8 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 491 Note * 485.8 496.2
Prince Edward Island 514 505.3 522.7 Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable Note ...: not applicable 513 505.8 520.2
Nova Scotia 500 Note * 496.6 503.4 439 Note * 428.8 449.2 498 Note * 494.3 501.7
New Brunswick 498 Note * 493.2 502.8 467 Note * 462.1 471.9 489 Note * 485.5 492.5
Quebec 511 505.2 516.8 503 498.0 508.0 503 499.0 507.0
Ontario 513 508.6 517.4 485 Note * 480.7 489.3 512 507.7 516.3
Manitoba 488 Note * 484.5 491.5 450 Note * 445.0 455.0 487 Note * 482.7 491.3
Saskatchewan 491 Note * 487.8 494.2 476 Note * 476.0 476.0 491 Note * 488.0 494.0
Alberta 511 506.5 515.5 481 Note * 472.3 489.7 510 506.7 513.3
British Columbia 509 504.7 513.3 478 Note * 475.2 480.8 509 504.1 513.9
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