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Symbol of the Government of Canada

Variables list

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  • abortg15 -- Flag - Member of Aboriginal target group
  • abscid -- Absence identifier
  • abspay2 -- Pay during absence in refyear
  • abspay8 -- Received pay during absence
  • adainc27 -- Economic Family Total - Adjusted after-tax income
  • adminc27 -- Economic Family Total - Adjusted market income
  • adtinc27 -- Economic Family Total - Adjusted total income before taxes
  • agcdst13 -- Age condition began
  • agdif44 -- Age difference
  • age26 -- Person's age as of Dec 31 of refyear
  • age2g26 -- Grouping 2 for person's age as of December 31 of refyear
  • ageg26 -- Person's age group as of Dec 31 of refyear
  • agfmag26 -- Age group at first marriage
  • agfmar26 -- Age at which person was first married
  • agfstb16 -- Age when first child was born
  • agfstg16 -- Age group when first child was born
  • agimm15 -- Age at immigration
  • agimmg15 -- Age group at immigration
  • agofm27 -- Age of oldest person in economic family
  • agofm46 -- Age of oldest person in census family
  • agofmg27 -- Age group of oldest person in economic family
  • agofmg46 -- Age group of oldest person in census family
  • agrcv19 -- Age at which certificate was received
  • agrnun18 -- Age received most recent non-university diploma
  • agruni18 -- Age received highest university degree
  • agstft11 -- Age first started working full-time
  • agyfm27 -- Age of youngest person in economic family
  • agyfm46 -- Age of youngest person in the census family
  • agyfmg27 -- Age group of youngest person in econmic family
  • agyfmg46 -- Age group of youngest person in census family
  • alfst28 -- Annual labour force status
  • alhpf27 -- Total hours paid all jobs, economic family members, refyear
  • alhpf46 -- Total hours paid all jobs, census family members, refyear
  • alhrp28 -- Total hours paid all jobs during refyear
  • alhrwk28 -- Total usual hours worked at all jobs during refyear
  • alhwf27 -- Total usual hours worked all jobs, ecomonic family, refyear
  • alhwf46 -- Total usual hours worked all jobs,census family in refyear
  • alimo25 -- Household total - Support payments received
  • alimo27 -- Economic family total - Support payments received
  • alimo42 -- Support payments received
  • alimo46 -- Census family total - Support payments received
  • alip25 -- Household total - Support payments paid
  • alip27 -- Economic family total - Support payments paid
  • alip42 -- Support payments paid
  • alip46 -- Census family total - Support payments paid
  • anabac18 -- Flag - Received deg./cert./dipl. above bachelor
  • appr19 -- Flag - Registered apprenticeship program
  • appr20 -- Flag - Vocational Sch. was a registered apprenticeship program
  • atbus20 -- Flag - Attended business or commercial school in refyear
  • atcc20 -- Flag - Attended college or applied arts tech. inst., refyear
  • atcegp20 -- Flag - Attended CEGEP in refyear
  • atelhi20 -- Flag - Attended high school in refyear
  • atinc25 -- Household total - after-tax income
  • atinc27 -- Economic family total - after-tax income
  • atinc42 -- After-tax income
  • atinc46 -- Census family total - after-tax income
  • atjrcr20 -- Flag - Person took course related to work in refyear
  • attrd20 -- Flag - Person attended trade school in refyear
  • atuniv20 -- Flag - Person attended university in refyear
  • awh01v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in January
  • awh02v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in February
  • awh03v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in March
  • awh04v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in April
  • awh05v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in May
  • awh06v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in June
  • awh07v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in July
  • awh08v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in August
  • awh09v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in September
  • awh10v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in Octobre
  • awh11v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in November
  • awh12v5 -- Average weekly hours at job in December


  • bcnt2g15 -- Country of Birth 2nd grouping
  • bcnt3g15 -- Country of Birth 3rd grouping
  • bcntrc15 -- Code assigned for country of birth
  • bcntrg15 -- Country of Birth grouping
  • began1 -- Flag - Job began during refyear
  • began2 -- Flag - Absence started during refyear
  • began3 -- Flag - Jobless spell started during refyear
  • benfg1 -- Flag - Other important benefits were available
  • budstf1 -- Flag - Person made decisions on budget or staffing


  • capgn25 -- Household total - Taxable capital gains
  • capgn27 -- Economic family total - Taxable capital gains
  • capgn42 -- Taxable capital gains
  • capgn46 -- Census family total - Taxable capital gains
  • catyp25 -- CMA or CA type of household residence, December 31, refyear
  • ccar25 -- Household total,childcare expenses
  • ccar27 -- Economic family total,childcare expenses
  • ccar42 -- Child care expenses
  • ccar46 -- Census family total - Childcare expenses
  • cdres25 -- Census division (CD)
  • certifid -- Identifier for a certificate for a person
  • certyp19 -- Type of certificate obtained
  • cfid -- Identifier for a census family
  • chben25 -- Household total - Child Benefits
  • chben27 -- Economic Family Total - Child Benefits
  • chben42 -- Child Benefits
  • chben46 -- Census Family Total - Child Benefits
  • chdar16 -- Number children adopted or raised, not born to respondent
  • chdb16 -- Number children born to respondent
  • chdbaf16 -- Flag - Respondent gave birth, adopted, or raised children
  • chdbar16 -- Number of children born, adopted or raised by respondent
  • chfbb25 -- Household total - Federal child tax benefit
  • chfbb27 -- Economic family total - Federal child tax benefit
  • chfbb42 -- Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)
  • chfbb46 -- Census family total - CCTB
  • chfed25 -- Household total - CCTB
  • chfed27 -- Economic family total - CCTB
  • chfed42 -- Total of federal child benefits (CCTB, WIS, NCBS)
  • chfed46 -- Census family total - CCTB
  • chfns25 -- Household total - National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS)
  • chfns27 -- Economic family total - NCBS
  • chfns42 -- National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS)
  • chfns46 -- Census family total - NCBS
  • chfws25 -- Household Total - Federal Working Income Supplement (WIS)
  • chfws27 -- Economic family total - Federal WIS
  • chfws42 -- Federal Working Income Supplement (WIS)
  • chfws46 -- Census family total - Federal WIS
  • chfza25 -- Household total - Federal WIS
  • chfza27 -- Economic family total - Federal WIS
  • chfza42 -- Federal Working Income Supplement (WIS)
  • chfza46 -- Census family total - Federal WIS
  • chjob28 -- Flag - Person changed job in refyear
  • chpbb25 -- Household total - Total provincial basic CTB programs
  • chpbb27 -- Economic family total - Total provincial basic CTB
  • chpbb42 -- Basic provincial CTB, not cond. To empl. Earnings
  • chpbb46 -- Census family total - Provincial basic CTB
  • chpct25 -- Household total - Total of provincial CTB, non-NCB
  • chpct27 -- Economic family total - Total provincial CTB, non-NCB
  • chpct42 -- Provincial CTB, not part of the NCB Initiative
  • chpct46 -- Census family total - Total provincial CTB, non-NCB
  • chpnc25 -- Household total - Total provincial CTB, part of NCB
  • chpnc27 -- Economic family total - Total provincial CTB, part of NCB
  • chpnc42 -- Provincial CTB that ARE part of National Child Benefit (NCB)
  • chpnc46 -- Census family total - Total provincial CTB, part of NCB
  • chprv25 -- Hhld total - Provincial prog. under general heading of CTB
  • chprv27 -- Economic family total - Provincial prog. general CTB
  • chprv42 -- Total provincial child benefits
  • chprv46 -- Census family total - Provincial prog. general CTB
  • chpws25 -- Hhld total - Prov. CTB prog, based on min. empl. earnings
  • chpws27 -- Econ. fam. total - Prov. CTB prog, based on min. empl. earn.
  • chpws42 -- Provincial CTB prog, based on minimum employment earnings
  • chpws46 -- Census fam total - Prov. CTB prog, based on min. empl. earn.
  • chpza25 -- Household total - Reductions of benefits as per NCB init.
  • chpza27 -- Eco. family total - Reductions of benefits as per NCB init.
  • chpza42 -- Reductions of benefits as per NCBI, positive amount
  • chpza46 -- Census fam. total - reductions as per NCB init, pos. amount
  • chtxb25 -- Household total - Federal & provincial programs, general CTB
  • chtxb27 -- Economic family total - Federal provincial prog. general CTB
  • chtxb42 -- Total federal & provincial child benefits
  • chtxb46 -- Census fam. Total - federal provincial CTB programs
  • ci1g19 -- CIP - Series groupings
  • ci2g19 -- CIP - Primary groupings
  • cibu1g20 -- CIP-Series groupings in business school
  • cibu2g20 -- CIP - Primary groupings in business school
  • cibucd20 -- CIP - Major field in business school
  • cicc1g20 -- CIP - Series groupings in community college
  • cicc2g20 -- CIP - Primary groupings in community college
  • cicccd20 -- CIP - Major field in community college
  • cicd19 -- CIP - Major field
  • cicp1g20 -- CIP - Series groupings in CEGEP
  • cicp2g20 -- CIP - Primary groupings in CEGEP
  • cicpcd20 -- CIP - Major field in CEGEP
  • cicr1g20 -- CIP - Series groupings subject of course
  • cicr2g20 -- CIP - Primary groupings subject of course
  • cicrcd20 -- CIP - Major subject of course
  • citv1g20 -- CIP - Series groupings in vocational school
  • citv2g20 -- CIP - Primary groupings in vocational school
  • citvcd20 -- CIP - Major field in vocational school
  • ciun1g20 -- CIP - Series groupings in university
  • ciun2g20 -- CIP - Primary groupings in university
  • ciuncd20 -- CIP - Major field in university
  • cj01v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: January
  • cj02v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: February
  • cj03v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: March
  • cj04v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: April
  • cj05v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: May
  • cj06v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: June
  • cj07v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: July
  • cj08v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: August
  • cj09v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: September
  • cj10v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: October
  • cj11v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: November
  • cj12v28 -- Flag - A change in jobs during the month: December
  • clwkr1 -- Class of worker in refyear
  • cma1g25 -- CMA/CA grouping 1, household residence, December 31, refyear
  • cma2g25 -- CMA/CA grouping 2, household residence, December 31, refyear
  • cmaca25 -- CMA/CA residence for the household, December 31, refyear
  • cmapo25 -- CMA/CA population
  • cmphi18 -- Flag - Person completed high school
  • cmphi20 -- Flag - Person completed high school in refyear
  • cmphrw28 -- Composite hourly wage all paid jobs in refyear
  • cnddug13 -- Duration of condition grouping
  • cnddur13 -- Duration of condition (in years)
  • cndfg26 -- Flag - Person has difficulty in selected activities
  • cndhm26 -- Flag - Health problem reduces activities at home
  • cndot26 -- Flag - Health problem reduces other activities
  • cndpab13 -- Flag - Health problem was present at birth
  • cndwk26 -- Flag - Health problem reduces activity at work or at school
  • commis1 -- Flag - Commission/ tips were received in refyear
  • comptype -- Type of compensation received
  • conatt9 -- Flag - Continuous employment with this employer
  • cond25 -- Flag - Dwelling is part of condominium
  • condm25 -- Monthly condominium fee paid by household for dwelling
  • conpp1 -- Flag - Contribution to pension plan in refyear
  • cpqds25 -- Household total - Disability benefits included in CPP and QPP
  • cpqds27 -- Economic family total - Disability benefits included in CPP and QPP
  • cpqds42 -- Disability benefits included in CPP and QPP
  • cpqds46 -- Census family total - Disability benefits included in CPP and QPP
  • cpqpp25 -- Household total - CPP, QPP
  • cpqpp27 -- Economic family total - CPP, QPP
  • cpqpp42 -- CPP & QPP benefits
  • cpqpp46 -- Census family total - Canada & Quebec Pension Plan benefit
  • cqpc25 -- Household total - Canada & Quebec Pension Plan contributions
  • cqpc27 -- Economic family total - Canada & Quebec Pension Plan
  • cqpc42 -- Canada & Quebec Pension Plan contributions
  • cqpc46 -- Census family total - Canada & Quebec Pension Plan
  • crhlt26 -- Current state of person's health
  • crstr26 -- Current level of stress in person's life
  • crsuag20 -- Principal subject of course ref: principal group code
  • crsucd20 -- Principal subject of course refyear: unit group code
  • crsuig20 -- Principal subject of course refyear: minor group code
  • csdres25 -- Census subdivision
  • cswtf26 -- Flag - Non-zero cross-sectional weight


  • d31cf26 -- Census family identifier
  • d31fam26 -- Economic family identifier
  • d31fam46 -- Economic family identifier
  • d31hh26 -- Household identifier
  • d31hh27 -- Household identifier
  • d31hh29 -- Household identifier
  • d31hh46 -- Household identifier
  • d31if26 -- Household identifier, income family
  • dares25 -- Dissemination area (from Refyear1999 on)
  • dentp1 -- Flag - Employer offered dental insurance
  • dfchjb13 -- Flag - Difficult to change jobs because of condition
  • dgabac18 -- Flag - Ever recd univ. cert./dipl. above Bach., below Mast.
  • dgbac18 -- Flag - Ever received a Bachelor's degree
  • dgbbac18 -- Flag - Ever received a university cert./dipl. below Bachelor
  • dgbsc18 -- Flag - Ever received cert./dipl. from business/comm. sch.
  • dgcaa18 -- Flag - Ever rec'd cert./dipl. Coll./applied arts tech. inst.
  • dgceg18 -- Flag - Ever received certificates from CEGEP
  • dgcoll18 -- Flag - Ever received non-univ. post-secondary cert./dipl.
  • dgmas18 -- Flag - Ever received Master's degree
  • dgmed18 -- Flag - Ever received a professional degree
  • dgphd18 -- Flag - Ever received a Doctorate (PhD)
  • dgtvo18 -- Flag - Ever received trade or vocational sch. cert./dipl.
  • dguniv18 -- Flag - Ever recd univ. deg./cert./dipl. (from below Bach. to PhD)
  • disabs26 -- Flag - Disability status for the reference year
  • dishan26 -- Flag - Had a long-term disability during the reference year
  • dislot26 -- Flag - Long-term disab. limiting in home/sch./oth activities
  • dislwk26 -- Flag - Long-term disability limiting work
  • distm26 -- Distance moved expressed in kilometers
  • dm1hh29 -- Hhld ID respondent belonged to, Dec. 31 of previous refyear
  • dob21 -- Date of birth
  • dtfmar26 -- Date of person's first marriage
  • dualcd27 -- Economic family Dual code.
  • durilm4 -- Duration of de facto marital state, num. of completed months
  • durily4 -- Duration of de facto marital state,num. of completed years
  • durm4 -- Duration of marital state, number of completed months
  • dury4 -- Duration of marital state,number of completed years
  • dwldet25 -- Detailed type of dwelling
  • dwltyp25 -- Type of dwelling
  • dwtenr25 -- Ownership of dwelling
  • dycr20 -- Number of days respondent took a course in refyear


  • eares25 -- Enumeration area (Refyear1992-1998)
  • earng25 -- Household total earnings
  • earng27 -- Economic family total earnings
  • earng42 -- Earnings
  • earng46 -- Census family total earnings
  • edfath21 -- Father's education
  • edmoth21 -- Mother's education
  • eipr25 -- Household total Employment Insurance premiums
  • eipr27 -- Economic family total Employment Insurance contributions
  • eipr42 -- Employment Insurance contributions
  • eipr46 -- Census family total - Employment Insurance contributions
  • eir25 -- Employment insurance region, household December 31, refyear
  • empyerid -- Employer Identifier
  • ems19 -- Flag - Employer support at the end of education/training
  • emsbu20 -- Flag - Employer support for business sch. training, refyear
  • emscc20 -- Flag - Employer support for college in refyear
  • emscp20 -- Flag - Employer support for CEGEP training, refyear
  • emscr20 -- Flag - Employer support for course training, refyear
  • emshi20 -- Flag - Support for high school training in refyear
  • emstv20 -- Flag - Support for vocational training in refyear
  • emsun20 -- Flag - Employer support for university in refyear
  • encoll18 -- Flag - Ever enrolled non-university training
  • enddat1 -- End date of job within refyear
  • enddat2 -- End date of absence within refyear
  • enddat3 -- End date of jobless spell within refyear
  • enddat4 -- Date on which the marital state ended
  • enddat7 -- Date jobless spell ended
  • enddat8 -- Date absence spell ended
  • enddat9 -- End date of job
  • ended1 -- Flag - Job ended during refyear
  • ended2 -- Flag - This absence spell ended during refyear
  • ended3 -- Flag - This jobless spell ended by end of refyear
  • ended4 -- Flag - Marital state is ended
  • ended7 -- Flag - Jobless spell ended by end of survey period
  • ended8 -- Flag - Absence spell ended by end of current ref. period
  • ended9 -- Flag - Job ended by end of current survey period
  • endtyp7 -- Reason why jobless spell was ended in processing
  • endtyp8 -- Reason why absence was ended in processing
  • endtyp9 -- Reason why job was ended in processing
  • enreb42 -- Energy rebates and credits, provincial
  • enuniv18 -- Flag - Person has ever enrolled in university
  • eoabor15 -- Flag - Person reported aboriginal background
  • eobrit15 -- Flag - Person reported British background
  • eocan15 -- Flag - Person reported Canadian background
  • eoeuro15 -- Flag - Person reported European background
  • eofr15 -- Flag - Person reported French background
  • eoonvm15 -- Flag - Person reported other non-visible minority
  • eovm15 -- Flag - Person reported visible minority
  • eq2sc27 -- Family equivalence scale LIM, reflects family composition
  • eqscl27 -- Family equivalence scale OECD, family size & composition
  • erres25 -- Economic region of residence
  • errsp1 -- Flag - Employer contributed to group RRSP in refyear
  • etho1c15 -- Code for first ethnic background in "Other specify"
  • etho2c15 -- Code for second ethnic background in "Other specify"
  • etho3c15 -- Code for third ethnic background in "Other specify"
  • etho4c15 -- Code for fourth ethnic background in "Other specify"
  • etho5c15 -- Code for fifth ethnic background in "Other specify"


  • familyid -- Family Identifier defining members within households
  • fanst25 -- Final annual response code of the household, Dec 31, refyear
  • fanst26 -- Final annual response code for the person for the refyear
  • fathbc15 -- Flag - Respondent's father was born in Canada
  • fditx25 -- Household total for Quebec residents, Federal income tax
  • fditx27 -- Economic family total for Quebec residents, Fed income tax
  • fditx42 -- Federal income tax
  • fditx46 -- Census family total - Federal income tax
  • fedres25 -- Federal electoral district of residence, December31, refyear
  • fenreb42 -- Energy rebates and credits, federal
  • fllprt1 -- Flag - Job was full-time in refyear
  • fllprt19 -- Flag - Person was full-time student
  • fllprt20 -- Flag - Person full-time student during refyear
  • fmcomp27 -- Economic family composition
  • fmcomp46 -- Census family composition
  • fmemv27 -- Number of persons employeed weekly in economic family
  • fmsaf27 -- Flag - Family member received Social Assistance, refyear
  • fmsaf46 -- Flag - Census fam. member rec'd Social Assistance, refyear
  • fmsav27 -- Months received Social Assistance by family member
  • fmse25 -- Household total farm self-employment net income
  • fmse27 -- Economic family total farm self-employment net income
  • fmse42 -- Farm self-employment net income including farm program
  • fmse46 -- Census family total farm self-employment net income
  • fmsz27 -- Number of family members
  • fmsz46 -- Number of census family members
  • fmtyp27 -- Economic family type reference person
  • fmuev27 -- Number of unemployed persons in economic family by week
  • fmuif27 -- Flag - Fam. member rec'd Employment Insurance during refyear
  • fmuif46 -- Flag - Census family received EI during refyear
  • fmuiv27 -- Months family member received Employment Insurance
  • fmwcf27 -- Flag - Family member received Worker's Compensation, refyear
  • fmwcf46 -- Flag - Census family received Worker's Comp, refyear
  • fmwcv27 -- Months family received Workers Compensation
  • fpdwk28 -- Flag - Person was a paid worker during refyear
  • fptbu20 -- Flag - Full/part-time in business school, refyear
  • fptcc20 -- Flag - Full/part-time in community college, refyear
  • fptcp20 -- Flag - Full/part-time in CEGEP during refyear
  • fpthi20 -- Flag - Full/part-time in high school during refyear
  • fpttv20 -- Flag - Full/part-time in vocational school, refyear
  • fptun20 -- Flag - Full/part-time university during refyear
  • fsbuag20 -- Principal field of study in business school during refyear
  • fsbucd20 -- Principal field of study in business school in refyear
  • fsbuig20 -- Principal field of studyin business school in refyear
  • fsccag20 -- Principal field of study in community college in refyear
  • fscccd20 -- Principal field of study in college in refyear
  • fsccig20 -- Principal field of study in college in refyear
  • fscpag20 -- Principal field of study in CEGEP during refyear
  • fscpcd20 -- Principal field of study in CEGEP during refyear
  • fscpig20 -- Principal field of study in CEGEP during refyear
  • fsein28 -- Flag - Self-employed incorporated job in refyear
  • fsema26 -- Flag - Ever married (not common-law), Dec 31, refyear
  • fseui28 -- Flag - Self-employed unincorporated job in refyear
  • fslac26 -- Flag - Person is living with adult children (25+), refyear
  • fslch26 -- Flag - Person is living with children in refyear
  • fslor26 -- Flag - Person is living with other relatives, refyear
  • fslpa26 -- Flag - Person living with mother and/or father, refyear
  • fslps26 -- Flag - Person living with preschool children, refyear
  • fslsa26 -- Flag - Person living wth school age children, refyear
  • fslsp26 -- Flag - Person living with spouse in refyear
  • fslup26 -- Flag - Person living with unrelated persons, refyear
  • fslya26 -- Flag - Person living wth young adult children 18-24, refyear
  • fsmagr19 -- Major field/subject of study, major group code
  • fsmigr19 -- Major field/subject of study, minor group code
  • fstdat9 -- Date first started working for this employer
  • fstvag20 -- Principal field study vocational school, major group,refyear
  • fstvcd20 -- Principal field of study in vocational school in refyear
  • fstvig20 -- Principal field study vocational school,minor group, refyear
  • fsunag20 -- Principal field of study university major unit group,refyear
  • fsuncd20 -- Principal field of study university,unit group code, refyear
  • fsunig20 -- Principal field study university, minor unit goup in refyear
  • funfw28 -- Flag - Person was an unpaid family worker in refyear
  • furn25 -- Furnishings included in monthly rent paid by household


  • gi25 -- Household total Guaranteed Income Supplement in federal OAS
  • gi27 -- Economic family total Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • gi42 -- Guaranteed Income Supplement under federal OAS
  • gi46 -- Census family total Guaranteed Income Supplement
  • givca42 -- Amount given to family member not in household, in Canada.
  • givcya42 -- Country where money was sent, first country reported.
  • givcyb42 -- Country where money was sent, second country reported.
  • givcyc42 -- Country where money was sent, third country reported.
  • givcyd42 -- Country where money was sent, fourth country reported.
  • givf42 -- Gave money to family member not in household.
  • givos42 -- Amount given to family member not in household, outside Canada.
  • givpf42 -- Made regular payments on behalf of family member not in household.
  • grade26 -- School grade as of December 31 of refyear
  • gstxc25 -- Household total - Federal GST/HST Credit
  • gstxc27 -- Economic family total - Federal GST/HST Credit
  • gstxc42 -- Federal GST/HST Credit, excludes provincial sales tax credit
  • gstxc46 -- Census family total - Federal GST/HST Credit
  • gtr25 -- Household total - Government transfers, federal & provincial
  • gtr27 -- Economic family total Government transfer,federal&provincial
  • gtr42 -- Government transfers, federal & provincial
  • gtr46 -- Census family total-Government transfers,federal&provincial


  • heat25 -- Principal heating fuel of dwelling
  • heatg25 -- Principal heating fuel of the dwelling, group
  • hh01v29 -- Household Identifier which person was attached for January
  • hh02v29 -- Household Identifier which person was attached for February
  • hh03v29 -- Household Identifier which person was attached for March
  • hh04v29 -- Household Identifier which person was attached for April
  • hh05v29 -- Household Identifier to which person was attached for May
  • hh06v29 -- Household Identifier to which person was attached for June
  • hh07v29 -- Household Identifier to which person was attached for July
  • hh08v29 -- Household Identifier to which person was attached for August
  • hh09v29 -- Household Identifier which person was attached for September
  • hh10v29 -- Household Identifier which person was attached for October
  • hh11v29 -- Household Identifier which person was attached for November
  • hh12v29 -- Household Identifier which person was attached for December
  • hhcomp25 -- Household composition as of December 31 of refyear
  • hhldid -- Unique identifier for the household
  • hhsz25 -- Number of persons in household as of December 31 of refyear
  • hlev2g18 -- Highest level of education of person, 2nd grouping
  • hlev3g18 -- Highest level of education of person, 3rd grouping
  • hleved18 -- Highest level of education of person
  • hleveg18 -- Highest level of education of person, 1st grouping
  • howobt9 -- How the job was obtained
  • hpw01v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for January
  • hpw02v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for February
  • hpw03v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for March
  • hpw04v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for April
  • hpw05v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for May
  • hpw06v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for June
  • hpw07v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for July
  • hpw08v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for August
  • hpw09v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for September
  • hpw10v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for October
  • hpw11v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for November
  • hpw12v5 -- Usual weekly hours paid in job for December
  • hrcr20 -- Total number of hrs respondent took most important course in refyear
  • hrdcr20 -- Avg nbr of hrs/day resp. took most imp. course, refyear
  • hrsabs28 -- Total hours of absence from all employers during refyear
  • hrwbu20 -- Average weekly hours studying at business school
  • hrwcc20 -- Average weekly hours attended community college
  • hrwcp20 -- Average weekly hours attended CEGEP
  • hrwcr20 -- Average weekly hours took a course in refyear
  • hrwhi20 -- Average weekly hours attended high school
  • hrwkhm1 -- Hours per week worked at home for job
  • hrwtv20 -- Average weekly hours attended vocational school
  • hrwun20 -- Average weekly hours attended university
  • hwajmv28 -- Usual monthly hours worked at all jobs
  • hwjmv1 -- Usual monthly hours worked at job for refyear


  • ialim42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable ALIMO42
  • ialip42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable ALIP42
  • icapg42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable CAPGN42
  • iccar42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable CCAR42
  • icpqds42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable cpqds42
  • icpqp42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable CPQPP42
  • icpqs42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable CPQDS42
  • icswt26 -- Regular cross-sectional weight
  • ifmse42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable FMSE42
  • iinva42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable INVA42
  • iinvt42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable INVT42
  • ilbwt26 -- Cross-sectional labour weight for person
  • ilgwt26 -- Longitudinal weight for person
  • ilwcp26 -- Combined-panel longitudinal weight for the person
  • immprd15 -- Period of immigration
  • immst15 -- Flag - Person is an immigrant
  • immyr15 -- Year in which person immigrated to Canada
  • imphwe1 -- Hourly wage at end of job or end of refyear
  • imphws1 -- Hourly wage rate at start of refyear
  • incsr42 -- Income information source for refyear
  • inctx25 -- Household total - Income tax, federal plus provincial
  • inctx27 -- Economic family total - Income tax, federal plus provincial
  • inctx42 -- Income tax, federal plus provincial
  • inctx46 -- Census family total - Income tax, federal plus provincial
  • infms42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable NFMSE42
  • instyp19 -- Type of institution where the certificate was obtained
  • inva25 -- Household total - Investment income
  • inva27 -- Economic family total - Investment income
  • inva42 -- Investment income
  • inva46 -- Census family total - Investment income
  • invt25 -- Household total - Taxable investment income
  • invt27 -- Economic family total - Taxable investment income
  • invt42 -- Taxable investment income
  • invt46 -- Census family total - Taxable investment income
  • iottx42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable OTTXM42
  • ipen42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable PEN42
  • irppc42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable RPPC42
  • irspw42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable RSPWI42
  • isapi42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable SAPIS42
  • iuccb42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable uccb42
  • iudpd42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable udpd42
  • iuibe42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable UIBEN42
  • iwgsa42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable WGSAL42
  • iwkrc42 -- Flag - Action to impute & process variable WKRCP42


  • jl01v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: January
  • jl02v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: February
  • jl03v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: March
  • jl04v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: April
  • jl05v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: May
  • jl06v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: June
  • jl07v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: July
  • jl08v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: August
  • jl09v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: September
  • jl10v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: October
  • jl11v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: November
  • jl12v28 -- Flag - Jobless period & looked for work: December
  • jobdur1 -- Duration of job up to the end of current refyear (months)
  • jobdur9 -- Duration of job (months)
  • jobid -- Identifier for job or employment spell with employer



  • latres25 -- Latitude of residence for household as of Dec. 31 of refyear
  • lbwtf26 -- Flag - Non-zero cross-sectional labour weight
  • leb26 -- FLE flag - Birth in the economic family during refyear
  • lechd26 -- FLE flag - Person's child died during refyear
  • lechi26 -- FLE flag - Person's child institutionalized during refyear
  • lechj26 -- FLE flag - Person's child joined the hhld family in refyear
  • lechl26 -- FLE flag - Person's child left economic family in refyear
  • led26 -- FLE flag - Death of an economic family member during refyear
  • leen26 -- FLE flag - Person became empty nester during refyear
  • lema26 -- FLE flag - Person was married during refyear
  • lemaf26 -- FLE flag - An economic family member was married during refyear
  • lenp26 -- FLE flag - A person joined the economic family, refyear
  • lenpa26 -- FLE flag - Person became a new parent during refyear
  • leord26 -- FLE flag - Person's economic family relative died, refyear
  • leori26 -- FLE flag - Person's economic family relative institut. in ry
  • lepa26 -- FLE flag - Person became a birth parent in refyear
  • lepad26 -- FLE flag - Person's parent in eco. fam. died during refyear
  • lepai26 -- FLE flag - Person's parent in eco. fam. institut., ry
  • lepaj26 -- FLE flag - Person's parent joined the eco. fam., refyear
  • lepal26 -- FLE flag - Person's parent left the eco. fam. during refyear
  • lepl26 -- FLE flag - A person left the eco. family during the refyear
  • les26 -- FLE flag - Separation in the economic family during refyear
  • lespd26 -- FLE flag - Person's spouse died during refyear
  • lespi26 -- FLE flag - Person's spouse was institut. during refyear
  • lessp26 -- FLE flag - Person separated from spouse in refyear
  • lgwtf26 -- Flag - Person's longitudinal weight is non-zero
  • licoa27 -- After tax, low income cut-off for family for refyear
  • licoag27 -- Low Income Gap - After tax
  • licob27 -- Before tax, low income cut-off for family for refyear
  • licobg27 -- Low Income Gap - Before tax
  • licofa27 -- Flag - Family after tax income is below LICO in refyear
  • licofb27 -- Flag - Family before tax income is below LICO in refyear
  • licoga27 -- Ratio of family after tax income to LICO, group
  • licogb27 -- Ratio of family before tax income to LICO, group
  • licora27 -- Ratio of family after tax income to LICO
  • licorb27 -- Ratio of family before tax income to LICO
  • lifdp1 -- Flag - Employer offers life/disability insurance
  • lima27 -- After-tax LIM
  • limb27 -- Before tax LIM
  • limfa27 -- Flag - after tax income is below LIM
  • limfb27 -- Flag - before tax income is below LIM
  • limfm27 -- Flag - market income is below LIM
  • limga27 -- Ratio of after tax income to LIM, group
  • limgb27 -- Ratio of before tax income to LIM, group
  • limgm27 -- Ratio of market income to LIM, group
  • limm27 -- Market income LIM
  • limra27 -- Ratio after tax income to LIM
  • limrb27 -- Ratio of before tax income to LIM
  • limrm27 -- Ratio market income to LIM
  • lkend28 -- Flag - Is jobless and looking for work at the end of refyear
  • lloan1 -- Flag - Employer offers the option of a low interest loan
  • lngres25 -- Longitude of household residence as of December 31, refyear
  • lookfg2 -- Flag - Looked for work during absence in refyear
  • lookfg3 -- Flag - Looked for work during jobless spell, refyear
  • lookfg7 -- Flag - Looked for work during jobless spell, refyear, lc
  • lookfg8 -- Flag - Looked for work during absence
  • lookft3 -- Flag - Looking for a full-time job during jobless spell refyear


  • majri42 -- Major source of income
  • manag1 -- Flag - Job was perceived as managerial
  • managl1 -- Management level
  • marmo26 -- Flag - Married more than once at end of refyear
  • marsd26 -- Detailed marital status of person as of Dec. 31 of refyear
  • marsg26 -- Marital status grouping as of December 31 of refyear
  • marst26 -- Marital status of person as of December 31 of refyear
  • mbinc25 -- Houshold total for MBM income
  • mbinc27 -- Economic family total for MBM income
  • mbinc42 -- Disposable income for MBM of poverty
  • mbinc46 -- Census family total for MBM income
  • medhp1 -- Flag - Employer offered medical insurance/health plan
  • medx25 -- Household total - Direct medical expenses
  • medx27 -- Economic family total - Direct medical expenses
  • medx42 -- Direct medical expenses
  • medx46 -- Census family total - Direct medical expenses
  • minwag1 -- Flag - Job paid at minimum wage
  • minwag28 -- Minimum wage where respondent lived at the end of refyear
  • mj01v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: January
  • mj02v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: February
  • mj03v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: March
  • mj04v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: April
  • mj05v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: May
  • mj06v28 -- Job Identifier for main job:June
  • mj07v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: July
  • mj08v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: August
  • mj09v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: September
  • mj10v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: October
  • mj11v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: November
  • mj12v28 -- Job Identifier for main job: December
  • mjacg26 -- Person's major activity during the refyear, group
  • mjact26 -- Person's major activity at the end of reference year
  • mjfscd19 -- Major field or subject of study, unit group code
  • mjice26 -- Flag - Major income earner in the census family, refyear
  • mjieh26 -- Flag - Major income earner in the household, refyear
  • mjieh27 -- Flag - Eco. fam. incl. major inc. earner of hhld, refyear
  • mjieh46 -- Flag - Census fam. incl. maj. inc. earner of hhld, refyear
  • mjine26 -- Flags - Person was major earner in economic family, refyear
  • mjsif27 -- Major source of income for economic family
  • mjsif46 -- Major source of income for census family
  • ml01v28 -- Monthly labour force status: January
  • ml02v28 -- Monthly labour force status: February
  • ml03v28 -- Monthly labour force status: March
  • ml04v28 -- Monthly labour force status: April
  • ml05v28 -- Monthly labour force status: May
  • ml06v28 -- Monthly labour force status: June
  • ml07v28 -- Monthly labour force status: July
  • ml08v28 -- Monthly labour force status: August
  • ml09v28 -- Monthly labour force status: September
  • ml10v28 -- Monthly labour force status: October
  • ml11v28 -- Monthly labour force status: November
  • ml12v28 -- Monthly labour force status: December
  • mnjob28 -- Job Identifier for main job during refyear
  • mortg25 -- Flag - There is a mortgage on the dwelling
  • mortgm25 -- Monthly mortgage payments, excluding property taxes
  • mortgn25 -- Flag - More than one mortgage on household dwelling
  • mortgp25 -- Periodicity of regular mortgage payments by the household
  • mothbc15 -- Flag - Respondent's mother was born in Canada
  • motn2g15 -- Mother tongue, 2nd grouping
  • motngc15 -- Mother tongue code
  • motngg15 -- Mother tongue, grouping
  • movdt29 -- Date of last move in refyear
  • movst29 -- Move status for person in refyear
  • mt1chg5 -- Month the first work schedule changed during refyear
  • mt2chg5 -- Month the second work schedule changed during refyear
  • mthbu20 -- Vector - Months attended business school in refyear
  • mthcc20 -- Vector - Months attended community college in refyear
  • mthcp20 -- Vector - Months attended CEGEP in refyear
  • mthcr20 -- Vector - Month took course related to job, refyear
  • mthhi20 -- Vector - Months attended high school in refyear
  • mthrcv14 -- Monthly Flag - Months person received compensation
  • mthsat20 -- Vector - Months attended school, coll., or univ. in refyear
  • mthtv20 -- Vector - Months attended trade or vocational sch., refyear
  • mthun20 -- vector - Months attended university in refyear
  • mtinc25 -- Household total - Market income
  • mtinc27 -- Economic family total - Market income
  • mtinc42 -- Market income
  • mtinc46 -- Census family total - Market income
  • mtlook2 -- Vector - Months looked for work during absence, refyear
  • mtlook3 -- Vector - Months looked for work dur. jobless spell, refyear
  • mtlswk28 -- Number of months since person last worked
  • mtlwv28 -- Vector - Months person looked for work dur. seasonal layoff
  • mtwkv28 -- Vector - Months, some work was done by person (all jobs)
  • mtwrkd1 -- Vector - Months, some work was done by person (this job)
  • mu01v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month: January
  • mu02v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month:February
  • mu03v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month: March
  • mu04v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month: April
  • mu05v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month: May
  • mu06v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month: June
  • mu07v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month: July
  • mu08v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month: August
  • mu09v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during month: September
  • mu10v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month: October
  • mu11v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month:November
  • mu12v28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder during the month:December
  • muloc10 -- Flag - Employer operates at more than one location
  • multj28 -- Flag - Multiple job holder in any month in refyear


  • nai1g10 -- Grouping 1, industry code of employer based on NAICS
  • nai2g10 -- Grouping 2, industry code of employer based on NAICS
  • nai3g10 -- Grouping 3, industry code of employer based on NAICS
  • naicd10 -- Industry code of employer based on NAICS
  • nbabs1 -- Nbr of absences from this job of more than one week, refyear
  • nbabs28 -- Nbr of abs. from all employers of more than one wk, refyear
  • nbabs9 -- Nbr of absences from this job of more than one week
  • nbac26 -- Nbr of adult children living with person on Dec 31 refyear
  • nbbp26 -- Nbr of birth parents living with person on Dec. 31 refyear
  • nbch26 -- Number of children living with person, December 31 refyear
  • nbdis27 -- Number of eco. family members aged 16 or older with a disability
  • nbdis46 -- Number of census family member 16 or older with a disability
  • nbear27 -- Number of earners 16 or older in economic family in refyear
  • nbear46 -- Number of earners 16 or older in census family for refyear
  • nbema10 -- Number of employees at all locations
  • nbempd27 -- Number of eco. fam. members employed any time during refyear
  • nbempd46 -- Number of census family members employed any time in refyear
  • nbempl1 -- Number of employees at person's place of work
  • nbfyft27 -- Nber eco. family members in full-year full-time jobs,refyear
  • nbfyft46 -- Nbr of census fam. members in full-year/full-time jobs, ry
  • nbgen27 -- Number of generations in the family
  • nbjbls28 -- Number of jobless spells during refyear
  • nbjbs28 -- Number of jobs held during refyear
  • nbjbsv28 -- Wkly Vector - Nbr of jobs held during each week of the ry
  • nbmscf27 -- Number of months in school full-time for 16 & over fam. mem.
  • nbmscp27 -- Number of months in school part-time for 16 & over, refyear
  • nbmtwk1 -- Total months in which some work was done at this job, refyear
  • nbmtwk9 -- Total months in which some work was done at this job
  • nbpjbs27 -- Number jobs held by all family members during refyear
  • nbpjbs46 -- Number of jobs held by all census family members in refyear
  • nbps26 -- Number of pre-school aged children in household
  • nbpvwk27 -- Nbr aged 16-69 unable to work due to disability
  • nbpvwk46 -- Nbr aged 16-59 in census family unable to work due to disability
  • nbpwj28 -- Number of paid worker jobs held during refyear
  • nbsa26 -- Number of school aged children as of December 31, refyear
  • nbscft27 -- Number of 16+ attending school full-time, refyear
  • nbscft46 -- Number of 16+ in census family in school full-time
  • nbschd5 -- Number of work schedules for this job in refyear
  • nbscpt27 -- Number in family 16+ in school part-time in refyear
  • nbscpt46 -- Number in census family 16+ in school part-time, refyear
  • nbsemp27 -- Number of family members self-employed during refyear
  • nbsemp46 -- Number of census family members self-employed during refyear
  • nbsupv1 -- Number of people supervised directly
  • nbunem27 -- Number of family members unemployed during refyear
  • nbunem46 -- Number of census family members unemployed during refyear
  • nbwke27 -- Number of weeks employed, all family members, refyear
  • nbwke46 -- Number of weeks employed all census family during refyear
  • nbwks2 -- Number of weeks the absence lasted within refyear
  • nbwks7 -- Total number of weeks jobless period lasted
  • nbwks8 -- Total number of weeks absence lasted
  • nbwksw1 -- Total weeks some work was done at job during refyear
  • nbwkue27 -- Weeks unemployed for all family members during refyear
  • nbwkue46 -- Weeks unemployed for all census family members in refyear
  • nbya26 -- Number young adult children with person, December 31,refyear
  • nfmse25 -- Household total - Non-farm self-employment net income
  • nfmse27 -- Economic family total - Non-farm self-employment net income
  • nfmse42 -- Non-farm self-employment net income
  • nfmse46 -- Census family total - Non-farm self-employment net income
  • nic1g10 -- NAICS 2002 (108)
  • nic2g10 -- NAICS 2002 (21) -
  • nic3g10 -- NAICS 2002 (16)
  • niccd10 -- NAICS 2002 code
  • noccde6 -- NOCS - 2001 end of reference year
  • noccds6 -- NOCS - 2001 start of reference year
  • nocg1e6 -- NOCS-2001 (52) end reference year
  • nocg1s6 -- NOCS-2001 (52) start reference year
  • nocg2e6 -- NOCS-2001 (25) end reference year
  • nocg2s6 -- NOCS-2001 (25) start reference year
  • nocg3e6 -- NOCS-2001 (10) end reference year
  • nocg3s6 -- NOCS-2001 (10) start reference year
  • ntgtr25 -- Household total - Non-taxable government transfers
  • ntgtr27 -- Economic family total - Non-taxable government transfers
  • ntgtr42 -- Non-taxable government transfers
  • ntgtr46 -- Census family total - Non-taxable government transfers
  • ntinc42 -- Net income to calculate Child Tax Benefit & GST Tax Credit
  • nwpfm27 -- Flag - New family member
  • nwphh25 -- Flag - New household member


  • oas25 -- Household total - Old Age Security pension
  • oas27 -- Economic family total - Old Age Security pension
  • oas42 -- Old Age Security pension
  • oas46 -- Census family total - Old Age Security pension
  • oasgi25 -- Household total - Old Age Security benefits
  • oasgi27 -- Economic family total - Old Age Security benefits
  • oasgi42 -- Total of Old Age Security benefits
  • oasgi46 -- Census family total - Old Age Security benefits
  • obj19 -- Flag - Program objectives relate to current/future job
  • objbu20 -- Flag - Bus. Sch. objectives relate to current or future job
  • objbuv20 -- Vector - Objectives related to current/future job
  • objcc20 -- Flag - College objectives relate to current or future job
  • objccv20 -- Vector - Objectives related to current/future job
  • objcp20 -- Flag - CEGEP objectives relate to current or future job
  • objcpv -- Vector - Objectives related to current/future job
  • objcpv20 -- Vector - Objectives related to current/future job
  • objhi20 -- Flag - High Sch. objectives relate to current or future job
  • objhiv20 -- Vector - Objectives related to current/future job
  • objtv20 -- Flag - Vocational Sch. obj. relate to current or future job
  • objtvv20 -- Vector - Objectives related to current/future job
  • objun20 -- Flag - University objectives relate to current or future job
  • objunv20 -- Vector - Objectives related to current/future job
  • objv19 -- Vector - Objectives related to current/future job
  • occhg6 -- Flag - Kind of work changed during refyear
  • occhg9 -- Flag - Kind of work changed since job started
  • ofrdat9 -- Date the job was offered
  • ogovtr25 -- Household total - Other government transfers.
  • ogovtr27 -- Economic family total - Other government transfers
  • ogovtr42 -- Other government transfers
  • ogovtr46 -- Census family total - Other government transfers
  • opbu25 -- Flag - Operating business from dwelling/on property
  • opfm25 -- Flag - Operating farm on the property
  • othinc25 -- Household total - Other income
  • othinc27 -- Economic family total - Other income
  • othinc42 -- Other taxable income plus alimony received
  • othinc46 -- Census family total - Other income
  • ottxm25 -- Household total - Other income
  • ottxm27 -- Economic family total - Other income
  • ottxm42 -- Other (other) income
  • ottxm46 -- Census family total - Other income
  • owec25 -- Flag - Electricity is included in any other payment.
  • owht25 -- Flag - Heating fuel is included in any other payment.
  • owno25 -- Flag - No amenities are included in any other payment.
  • owwa25 -- Flag - Water is included in any other payment.


  • panel21 -- Panel to which this person belongs
  • paypro1 -- Flag - Person had influence on pay raise or promotion
  • pen25 -- Household total - Private retirement pensions
  • pen27 -- Economic family total - Private retirement pensions
  • pen42 -- Private retirement pensions
  • pen46 -- Census family total - Private retirement pensions
  • penpln1 -- Flag - Has pension plan with this job in refyear
  • phase21 -- Phase when person first identified in survey
  • phpr25 -- Household total - Public health insurance premiums
  • phpr27 -- Economic family total - Public health insurance premiums
  • phpr42 -- Public health insurance premiums
  • phpr46 -- Census family total - Public health insurance premiums
  • postcd25 -- Postal code of household residence as of December 31,refyear
  • prmjb1 -- Flag - Permanent job
  • profp1 -- Flag - Employer offers a profit sharing plan
  • prox1f26 -- Flag - January interview was by proxy
  • prox2f26 -- Flag - May interview was by proxy
  • prrsp1 -- Flag - Participation in a group RRSP in refyear
  • prtxi25 -- Flag - Property taxes were included in mortgage
  • prtxm25 -- Monthly value of property taxes for the household
  • pubpv10 -- Flag - Employer is in public or private sector
  • pved19 -- Province/territory received post-secondary diploma or degree
  • pvelhi18 -- Province/territory received elementary & high school
  • pvitx25 -- Household total - Provincial income tax
  • pvitx27 -- Economic family total - Provincial income tax
  • pvitx42 -- Provincial income tax
  • pvitx46 -- Census family total - Provincial income tax
  • pvreg25 -- Province of residence group, household, December 31, refyear
  • pvres25 -- Province of residence for household, December 31 of refyear
  • pvtwmr13 -- Flag - Person's condition prevented from working more
  • pvtwrk13 -- Flag - Person's condition completely prevented from working
  • pvtxc25 -- Household total - Provincial tax credits
  • pvtxc27 -- Economic family total - Provincial tax credits
  • pvtxc42 -- Provincial tax credits
  • pvtxc46 -- Census family total - Provincial tax credits


  • qabat25 -- Household total - Quebec abatement
  • qabat27 -- Economic family total - Quebec abatement
  • qabat42 -- Quebec abatement
  • qabat46 -- Census family total - Quebec abatement


  • rcbu20 -- Flag - Received business school certificate, refyear
  • rccc20 -- Flag - Received college certificate during refyear
  • rccoll20 -- Flag - Rec'd cert\dipl. from coll./bus./trade/voc./CEGEP, ry
  • rccp20 -- Flag - Received a CEGEP certificate during refyear
  • rctv20 -- Flag - Received vocational school certificate, refyear
  • rcuniv20 -- Flag - Received university degree/cert./dip., refyear
  • rcvcmp28 -- Flag - Received compensation during refyear
  • rcvsa28 -- Flag - Received Social Assistance during refyear
  • rcvui28 -- Flag - Received Employment Insurance during refyear
  • rcvwc28 -- Flag - Received Workers' Compensation during refyear
  • reaabs8 -- Main reason for absence
  • reaend9 -- Reason why work came to an end
  • reafs19 -- Reason for choosing field of study or specialization
  • reaisc1 -- Reason for irregular work schedule at end of the year
  • reanh18 -- Reason did not complete high school
  • reanlc3 -- Code, reason why respondent did not look for work, refyear
  • reanp1 -- Reason why this job is not permanent
  • reawch1 -- Reason why a wage change occured in refyear
  • reawpt1 -- Reason why person worked less than 30 hours per week
  • recca42 -- Amount received from family member not in household, in Canada
  • reccya42 -- Country from which money was received, first country reported.
  • reccyb42 -- Country from which money was received, second country reported.
  • reccyc42 -- Country from which money was received, third country reported.
  • reccyd42 -- Country from which money was received, fourth country reported.
  • recf42 -- Received money from family member not in household.
  • recos42 -- Amount received from family member not in household, outside Canada
  • recpf42 -- Regular payments made on your behalf by family member not in household.
  • regind15 -- Flag - Treaty/Registered Indian
  • regres25 -- Region of household residence as of December 31 of refyear
  • relag44 -- Relationship to another person within household, group
  • relat44 -- Relationship to another person within household, gender
  • relatvid -- Identifier of relative in relationship with the person
  • reled1 -- How close the job is related to person's education
  • remov29 -- Reason for last move in refyear
  • rentm25 -- Regular monthly rent paid by the household for the dwelling
  • repa25 -- Repairs dwelling needed
  • resp99 -- Respondent status on December 31 of refyear
  • respg99 -- Respondent status on December 31 of refyear, grouping
  • respwk1 -- Flag - Responsible for deciding the work to be done by staff
  • rfsbu20 -- Reason for choice of study in business school
  • rfscc20 -- Reason for choice of study in college
  • rfscp20 -- Reason for choice of study in CEGEP in refyear
  • rfstv20 -- Reason for choice of study in vocational school in refyear
  • rfsun20 -- Reason for choice of study in university in refyear
  • rmjce26 -- Relationship to major income earner, census family, refyear
  • rmjcg26 -- Relationship to major income earner, census family, group
  • rmjie26 -- Relationship to major income earner, economic family
  • rmjig26 -- Relationship to major income earner, economic family, rgp
  • rnbs25 -- Flag - Monthly rent is calculated on basis of hhld income
  • rnec25 -- Flag - Electricity included in monthly household rent
  • rnfg25 -- Flag - Refrigerator is included in monthly household rent
  • rnfu25 -- Flag - Furniture is included in monthly household rent
  • rnht25 -- Flag - Heat is included in monthly household rent
  • rnno25 -- Flag - No amenities are included in monthly household rent
  • rnpec25 -- Flag - Renter is paying for his/her electricity
  • rnpht25 -- Flag - Renter is paying for his/her heating fuel
  • rnpk25 -- Flag - Parking is included in monthly household rent
  • rnpno25 -- Flag - Renter isn't paying for any amenities
  • rnppk25 -- Flag - Renter is paying for his/her parking
  • rnpwa25 -- Flag - Renter is paying for his/her water
  • rnre25 -- Flag - Monthly rent subsidized.
  • rnst25 -- Flag - Cooking stove is included in monthly household rent
  • rntv25 -- Flag - Cablel TV is included in monthly household rent
  • rnwa25 -- Flag - Water is included in monthly household rent
  • rnwd25 -- Flag - Washer & dryer are included in monthly household rent
  • rooms25 -- Number of bedrooms in the dwelling
  • rootid21 -- Original dwelling hhld Identifier as of sample selection
  • rplct21 -- Replicate to which this person belongs
  • rpmif26 -- Relationship to principal member of income family
  • rppc25 -- Household total - Registered pension plan contributions
  • rppc27 -- Economic family total - Registered pension plan contributions
  • rppc42 -- Registered pension plan contributions
  • rppc46 -- Census family total - Registered pension plan contributions
  • rqnu25 -- Required number of bedrooms for household according to NOS
  • rscr20 -- Reason for choosing subject of course in refyear
  • rspwi25 -- Household total - RRSP withdrawals
  • rspwi27 -- Economic family total - RRSP withdrawals
  • rspwi42 -- RRSP withdrawals
  • rspwi46 -- Census family total - RRSP withdrawals


  • s91cde6 -- SOC code at end of refyear (or end of employment spell)
  • s91cds6 -- SOC code beginning of employment spell (or of refyear)
  • s91g1e6 -- Grouping 1, SOC code end of employment spell (or of refyear)
  • s91g1s6 -- Grouping 1, SOC code, begin. of work spell (or of refyear)
  • s91g2e6 -- Grouping 2, SOC code end of employment spell (or of refyear)
  • s91g2s6 -- Grouping 2, SOC code, begin. of work spell (or of refyear)
  • s91g3e6 -- Grouping 3, SOC code end of employment spell (or of refyear)
  • s91g3s6 -- Grouping 3, SOC code, begin. of work spell (or of refyear)
  • sactyp25 -- Statistical Area Classification type of residence, refyear
  • samcma26 -- Flag - Same CMA/CA as end of previous year
  • samcsd26 -- Flag - Same census subd as end of previous year
  • samfm27 -- Flag - Same family members as end of previous year
  • samhh25 -- Flag - Same household as end of previous year
  • sampv26 -- Flag - Same province as end of previous year
  • sapis25 -- Household total - Social Assistance
  • sapis27 -- Economic family total - Social Assistance
  • sapis42 -- Social Assistance
  • sapis46 -- Census family total - Social Assistance
  • sc1stc5 -- Flag - FT/PT status chg due to 1st change in work schedule
  • sc2stc5 -- Flag - FT/PT status chg due to 2nd change in work schedule
  • scdtyp1 -- Type of work schedule at end of year for given job
  • schchg5 -- Flag - Work schedule of given job changed in refyear
  • scsum28 -- Yearly summary of schedules of jobs during the refyear
  • semp25 -- Household total - Self-employment net income
  • semp27 -- Economic family total - Self-employment net income
  • semp42 -- Self-employment net income
  • semp46 -- Census family total - Self-employment net income
  • sex99 -- Sex of respondent
  • sfnbwk13 -- Satisfaction with number of weeks worked in refyear
  • shely25 -- Annual shelter costs for the household
  • sic1g10 -- Industry grouping 1 of employer
  • sic2g10 -- Industry grouping 2 of employer
  • sic3g10 -- Industry grouping 3 of employer
  • siccd10 -- Industry code of employer
  • slbor18 -- Total amount borrowed in student loans
  • slbor20 -- Amount borrowed in student loans in reference year
  • sloan18 -- Ever received a student loan
  • sloan20 -- Received a student loan in reference year
  • slowe18 -- Amount currently owing on a student loan
  • soc1ge6 -- Occupation grouping 1 at end of refyear
  • soc1gs6 -- Occupation grouping 1 at beginning of refyear
  • soc2ge6 -- Occupation grouping 2 at end of refyear
  • soc2gs6 -- Occupation grouping 2 at beginning of refyear
  • soc3ge6 -- Occupation grouping 3 at end of refyear
  • soc3gs6 -- Occupation grouping 3 at beginning of refyear
  • soc4ge6 -- Occupation grouping 4 at end of refyear
  • soc4gs6 -- Occupation grouping 4 at beginning of refyear
  • soc5ge6 -- Occupation grouping 5 at end of refyear
  • soc5gs6 -- Occupation grouping 5 at beginning of refyear
  • soccde6 -- Occupation code at end of refyear
  • soccds6 -- Occupation code at beginning of refyear
  • spellid -- Jobless spell Identifier
  • statd4 -- Detailed marital status of respondent
  • state4 -- Marital status of respondent
  • stateid -- Identifier for one marital state for one person
  • stckp1 -- Flag - Employer offers stock purchase or stock option plan
  • stpfmf27 -- Flag - Step family
  • strat21 -- Stratum of the person's root household
  • strdat1 -- Start date of job within refyear
  • strdat2 -- Start date of absence within refyear
  • strdat3 -- Start date of jobless spell within refyear
  • strdat4 -- Date on which the marital state began
  • strdat7 -- Start date of jobless spell
  • strdat8 -- Start date of absence spell
  • strdat9 -- Start date of job
  • studtf26 -- Flag - Attending school, coll., CEGEP or univ, in refyear
  • suit25 -- Flag - Dwelling "suitable", according to Nat. Occ. Standard
  • superv1 -- Flag - Job involved supervising employees


  • tcapgn25 -- Household total - Total capital gains (excludes losses)
  • tcapgn27 -- Economic family total - Total capital gains (excludes losses)
  • tcapgn42 -- Total capital gains (excludes losses)
  • tcapgn46 -- Census family total - Total capital gains (excludes losses)
  • tgtr25 -- Household total - Taxable government transfers
  • tgtr27 -- Economic family total - Taxable government transfers
  • tgtr42 -- Taxable government transfers
  • tgtr46 -- Census family total - Taxable government transfers
  • thrbu20 -- Total number of hours in business school in refyear
  • thrcc20 -- Total number of hours in community college in refyear
  • thrcp20 -- Total number of hours in CEGEP in refyear
  • thrcr20 -- Total number of hours in most imp. course in refyear
  • thrhi20 -- Total number of hours in high school in refyear
  • thrtv20 -- Total number of hours in vocational school in refyear
  • thrun20 -- Total number of hours in university in refyear
  • timcmp19 -- Number of years taken to complete non-univeristy program
  • totear1 -- Total earnings from this job in refyear
  • tothrp1 -- Total hours paid at this job in refyear
  • tothrw1 -- Total usual hours worked at this job in refyear
  • tpa42 -- Total annual pension adjustment amount
  • tticg25 -- Household total - Total income before taxes with total Capital Gains.
  • tticg27 -- Economic family total - Total income before taxes with total Capital Gains
  • tticg42 -- Total income before taxes with total Capital Gains
  • tticg46 -- Census family total - Total income before taxes with total Capital Gains
  • ttinc25 -- Household total - Total income before taxes
  • ttinc27 -- Economic family total - Total income before taxes
  • ttinc42 -- Total income before taxes
  • ttinc46 -- Census family total - Total income before taxes
  • ttwgs28 -- Total earnings from all paid jobs during refeyear
  • typjs9 -- Type of job separation
  • typpt1 -- Type of part time work at this job for refyear


  • uccb25 -- Household total - Universal child care benefit
  • uccb27 -- Economic family total - Universal child care benefit
  • uccb42 -- Universal child care benefit
  • uccb46 -- Census family total - Universal child care benefit
  • udpd25 -- Household total - Union dues (+ other professional premiums)
  • udpd27 -- Eco. family total - Union dues (+ other profess. premiums)
  • udpd42 -- Union dues (and other professional premiums)
  • udpd46 -- Census family total - Union dues (+ other professional premiums)
  • uecy25 -- Annual cost of electricity for household
  • uhty25 -- Annual cost of fuel for heating & cooking for household
  • uiben25 -- Household total - Employment Insurance benefits
  • uiben27 -- Economic family total - Employment Insurance benefits
  • uiben42 -- Employment Insurance benefits
  • uiben46 -- Census family total - Employment Insurance benefits
  • uncoll1 -- Flag - Union member or covered by collective agreement
  • urbcd25 -- Urban area code for household as of December 31 of refyear
  • urbpo25 -- Population of area of residence
  • urbrur25 -- Flag - Household in urban/rural, December 31, refyear
  • urbsz25 -- Urban size - Population of area of residence
  • urbszg25 -- Size of area of residence
  • uszga25 -- Adjusted size of area of residence
  • uway25 -- Annual cost of water & sewage charges for household


  • vismn15 -- Flag - Person belongs to visible minority group
  • vismng15 -- Visible minority group


  • wagchg1 -- Flag - Wage changed during refyear
  • wagchm1 -- Month when wage changed
  • wage1 -- Wage/salary at end of refyear (end of empl. Spell) this job
  • wags1 -- Wage or salary at the start of refyear for this job
  • wagune1 -- Unit for reporting wage or salary in variable WAGE1
  • waguns1 -- Unit for reporting wage or salary in variable WAGS1
  • wantfg3 -- Flags - Wanted a job during jobless spell, refyear
  • wantfg7 -- Flag - Respondent wanted a job during jobless spell
  • wantft1 -- Wanted to work full-time
  • wanwls13 -- Flag - Wanted to work less due to his/her condition
  • wave21 -- Wave (year) when the person was first identified in the survey
  • weliui7 -- Number of weeks eligible for EI at beginning of jobles spell
  • wgsal25 -- Household total - Wages & salaries before deductions
  • wgsal27 -- Economic family total - Wages & salaries before deductions
  • wgsal42 -- Wages & salaries before deductions
  • wgsal46 -- Census family total - Wages & salaries before deductions
  • wkcr20 -- Number of weeks respondent took a course in refyear
  • wkhm1 -- Flag - Person regularly worked at home for this job
  • wkrcp25 -- Household total - Workers' compensation benefits
  • wkrcp27 -- Economic family total - Workers' compensation benefits
  • wkrcp42 -- Workers' compensation benefits
  • wkrcp46 -- Census family total - Workers' compensation benefits
  • wksabs28 -- Total number weeks absent from all employers during refyear
  • wksbu20 -- Number of weeks respondent attended business school
  • wkscc20 -- Number of weeks respondent attended community college
  • wkscp20 -- Number of weeks respondent attended CEGEP
  • wksem28 -- Total number of weeks employed during refyear
  • wkshi20 -- Number of weeks respondent attended high school
  • wksnlf28 -- Total number of weeks not in the labour force during refyear
  • wksreq28 -- Number of weeks of work required for EI eligibility
  • wkstv20 -- Number of weeks in vocational school during refyear
  • wksuem28 -- Total number of weeks unemployed during refyear
  • wksun20 -- Number of weeks respondent attended university
  • wpm01v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: January
  • wpm02v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: February
  • wpm03v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: March
  • wpm04v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: April
  • wpm05v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: May
  • wpm06v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: June
  • wpm07v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: July
  • wpm08v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: August
  • wpm09v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: September
  • wpm10v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: October
  • wpm11v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: November
  • wpm12v5 -- Usual number of weeks worked at this job: December
  • wrkft11 -- Flag - Ever worked full-time
  • wylfst28 -- Vector for weekly labour force status


  • xcatyp25 -- CMA or CA type, for household residence, Dec. 31, refyear
  • xcdres25 -- CD of residence of hhld as of Dec. 31, refyear
  • xcma1g25 -- CMA or CA of residence of hhld as of Dec. 31, refyear, gpg 1
  • xcma2g25 -- CMA or CA of residence of hhld as of Dec. 31, refyear, gpg 2
  • xcmaca25 -- CMA or CA of residence of household as of Dec. 31, refyear
  • xcmapo25 -- Population of area of residence of CMA/CA covering region
  • xcsdre25 -- CS of residence of household as of Dec. 31, refyear
  • xdistm26 -- Distance moved expressed in kilometers
  • xeares25 -- Enumeration area of household residence, Dec. 31, refyear
  • xeir25 -- EI region for the household as of Dec. 31, refyear
  • xerres25 -- Subprovincial geographical region smaller than province
  • xfedre25 -- FED of household residence, Dec. 31, refyear
  • xlatre25 -- Latitude of residence for household, December 31, refyear
  • xlngre25 -- Longitude of residence for household, December 31, refyear
  • xmovdt29 -- Date of last move in refyear
  • xmovst29 -- Move status for person in refyear
  • xposcd25 -- Postal code of residence for household on Dec. 31 of refyear
  • xremov29 -- Reason for the last move in refyear
  • xsmcma26 -- Flag - Living in same CMA/CA as at the end of previous year
  • xsmcsd26 -- Flag - Living in same CS as at the end of previous year
  • xurbcd25 -- Urban area code for household as of Dec. 31 in refyear
  • xurbpo25 -- Population of area of residence
  • xurbru25 -- Flag - Hhld in urban or rural area on Dec. 31 of refyear
  • xurbsg25 -- Size of area of residence
  • xurbsz25 -- Urban size, population of area of residence
  • xuszga25 -- Adjusted size of area of residence for determining LICO


  • year1 -- Refyear
  • year10 -- Refyear
  • year11 -- Refyear
  • year13 -- Refyear
  • year14 -- Refyear
  • year16 -- Refyear
  • year18 -- Refyear
  • year2 -- Refyear
  • year20 -- Refyear
  • year25 -- Refyear
  • year26 -- Refyear
  • year27 -- Refyear
  • year28 -- Refyear
  • year29 -- Refyear
  • year3 -- Refyear
  • year42 -- Refyear
  • year44 -- Refyear
  • year46 -- Refyear
  • year5 -- Refyear
  • year6 -- Refyear
  • year99 -- Refyear
  • yobg21 -- Year of birth of respondent, 5 year intervals, group
  • yrcdst13 -- Year in which person's condition started
  • yrcoll18 -- Nbr Years completed at coll./tech. inst./trade/voc./CEGEP
  • yrelhi18 -- Number of years completed at elementary & high school
  • yrfstb16 -- Year first child was born to respondent
  • yrfstg16 -- Year first child born to respondent, grouping
  • yrgt6m11 -- Number of years worked at least six months
  • yrimm26 -- Number of years since person immigrated to Canada
  • yrimmg26 -- Number of years since person immigrated to Canada, group
  • yrlt6m11 -- Number of years worked less than six months
  • yrnwk11 -- Number of years not worked at a job or business
  • yrpsec18 -- Number of years of postsecondary schooling completed
  • yrrcv19 -- Year in which the certificate was received
  • yrrcvg19 -- Year certificate received, 5 year intervals, grouping
  • yrrnug18 -- Year rec'd recent non-univ. postsec. dipl., 5 yrs int., grp
  • yrrnun18 -- Year received recent non-university postsecondary diploma
  • yrrung18 -- Year received highest university degree, 5 yr interv., group
  • yrruni18 -- Year in which highest university degree received
  • yrscft11 -- Number of years since started to work full-time
  • yrschl18 -- Number of years of schooling completed by person (elem, high school, post secondary)
  • yrstft11 -- Year in which first started working full-time
  • yruniv18 -- Number of years of university person has completed
  • yrwkft11 -- Number of years worked only full-time & 6+ months each year
  • yrwwpt11 -- Number of years worked with some part-time
  • yrxfte11 -- Number of years of work experience, full-year full-time