Chapter 99
Special classification provisions

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Chapter 99 Special classification provisions
Table summary
This table displays the results of Chapter 99 Special classification provisions . The information is grouped by HS Code (appearing as row headers), Statistical suffix, Description and Unit of
measure (appearing as column headers).
HS Code Statistical suffix Description Unit of
9901.00 00 Unclassifiable exports -
9902.00 00 Groceries -
9903.00 00 Duty free shop exports -
9904.00   Goods of U.S. origin returning to the United States from Canada without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means  
  ---Articles provided for in Chapter 28, 37 or 82:  
11 ----Articles provided for in Chapter 28 -
12 ----Articles provided for in Chapter 37 -
13 ----Articles provided for in Chapter 82 -
  ---Articles provided for in Chapter 84:  
21 ----Articles provided for in subheading 8407.10, 8409.10, heading 84.11 or subheading 8412.10 -
22 ----Articles provided for in subheading 8419.31, 8424.81, 8424.90, 8429.11, 8429.19 or 8431.42 or heading 84.32, 84.33, 84.34 or 84.36 -
23 ----Articles provided for in heading 84.69, 84.70, 84.71, 84.72 or 84.73 -
29 ----Other -
  ---Articles provided for in Chapter 85:  
31 ----Articles provided for in heading 85.01, 85.02 or 85.03 -
32 ----Articles provided for in heading 85.04 -
33 ----Articles provided for in heading 85.17, 85.19, 85.25, 85.27 or 85.29 -
39 ----Other -
40 ---Articles provided for in Chapter 86 -
  ---Articles provided for in Chapter 87:  
51 ----Articles provided for in heading 87.01 -
52 ----Articles provided for in heading 87.03 -
53 ----Articles provided for in heading 87.06, 87.07 or 87.08 -
54 ----Articles provided for in heading 87.05 or 87.09 -
59 ----Other -
  ---Articles provided for in Chapter 88:  
61 ----Articles provided for in heading 88.01 or 88.02 -
62 ----Articles provided for in heading 88.03 or 88.04 -
63 ----Articles provided for in heading 88.05 -
69 ----Other -
  ---Articles provided for in Chapter 89 or 90:  
71 ----Articles provided for in Chapter 89 -
72 ----Articles provided for in Chapter 90 -
  ---Articles provided for in Chapter 94:  
81 ----Articles provided for in heading 94.01, 94.02 or 94.03 -
89 ----Other -
90 ---Other -
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