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Appendix: Supplementary tables


Table 1  Vegetation in areas adjacent to natural sources of water, Canada, 2001

Table 2  Conservation measures for the protection of natural wetland areas, by type of wetlands, Canada, 2001

Table 3  Use of irrigation systems, by farm type, Canada, 2001

Table 4  Level of implementation of beneficial management practices (BMPs) for water, Canada, 2001

Appendix: Supplementary tables

Table A.1  Vegetation in areas adjacent to natural sources of water Canada and provinces, 2001

Table A.2  Type of vegetation typically grown on areas adjacent to natural sources of water Canada and provinces, 2001

Table A.3  Vegetation in areas adjacent to natural sources of water, by watershed, Canada, 2001

Table A.4.A  Grazing livestock access to surface water bodies, by farm revenue class, Canada, 2001

Table A.4.B  Grazing livestock access to surface water bodies, by farm revenue class, Atlantic Provinces, 2001

Table A.4.C  Grazing livestock access to surface water bodies, by farm revenue class, Quebec, 2001

Table A.4.D  Grazing livestock access to surface water bodies, by farm revenue class, Ontario, 2001

Table A.4.E  Grazing livestock access to surface water bodies, by farm revenue class, Manitoba, 2001

Table A.4.F  Grazing livestock access to surface water bodies, by farm revenue class, Saskatchewan, 2001

Table A.4.G  Grazing livestock access to surface water bodies, by farm revenue class, Alberta, 2001

Table A.4.H  Grazing livestock access to surface water bodies, by farm revenue class, British Columbia, 2001

Table A.5.A  Distance between livestock feeding areas during winter months and surface water bodies, Canada, 2001

Table A.5.B  Distance between livestock feeding areas during winter months and surface water bodies, Atlantic Provinces, 2001

Table A.5.C  Distance between livestock feeding areas during winter months and surface water bodies, Quebec, 2001

Table A.5.D  Distance between livestock feeding areas during winter months and surface water bodies, Ontario, 2001

Table A.5.E  Distance between livestock feeding areas during winter months and surface water bodies, Manitoba, 2001

Table A.5.F  Distance between livestock feeding areas during winter months and surface water bodies, Saskatchewan, 2001

Table A.5.G  Distance between livestock feeding areas during winter months and surface water bodies, Alberta, 2001

Table A.5.H  Distance between livestock feeding areas during winter months and surface water bodies, British Columbia, 2001

Table A.6.A  Conservation measures for the protection of natural wetland areas, by type of wetland, Canada, 2001

Table A.6.B  Conservation measures for the protection of natural wetland areas, by type of wetland, Atlantic Provinces, 2001

Table A.6.C  Conservation measures for the protection of natural wetland areas, by type of wetland, Quebec, 2001

Table A.6.D  Conservation measures for the protection of natural wetland areas, by type of wetland, Ontario, 2001

Table A.6.E  Conservation measures for the protection of natural wetland areas, by type of wetland, Manitoba, 2001

Table A.6.F  Conservation measures for the protection of natural wetland areas, by type of wetland, Saskatchewan, 2001

Table A.6.G  Conservation measures for the protection of natural wetland areas, by type of wetland, Alberta, 2001

Table A.6.H  Conservation measures for the protection of natural wetland areas, by type of wetland, British Columbia, 2001

Table A.7.A  Disposal of milkhouse wash water on Canadian dairy farms with a liquid manure storage system, by farm revenue class, Canada, 2001

Table A.7.B  Disposal of milkhouse wash water on Canadian dairy farms with a liquid manure storage system, by farm revenue class, Atlantic Provinces, 2001

Table A.7.C  Disposal of milkhouse wash water on Canadian dairy farms with a liquid manure storage system, by farm revenue class, Quebec, 2001

Table A.7.D  Disposal of milkhouse wash water on Canadian dairy farms with a liquid manure storage system, by farm revenue class, Ontario, 2001

Table A.7.E  Disposal of milkhouse wash water on Canadian dairy farms with a liquid manure storage system, by farm revenue class, Manitoba, 2001

Table A.7.F  Disposal of milkhouse wash water on Canadian dairy farms with a liquid manure storage system, by farm revenue class, Saskatchewan, 2001

Table A.7.G  Disposal of milkhouse wash water on Canadian dairy farms with a liquid manure storage system, by farm revenue class, Alberta, 2001

Table A.7.H  Disposal of milkhouse wash water on Canadian dairy farms with a liquid manure storage system, by farm revenue class, British Columbia, 2001

Table A.8  Disposal of toxic farm wastes, Canada and provinces, 2001

Table A.9.A  Use of irrigation systems, by farm type, Canada, 2001

Table A.9.B  Use of irrigation systems, by farm type, Eastern Canada, 2001

Table A.9.C  Use of irrigation systems, by farm type, Western Canada, 2001

Table A.10.A  Types of irrigation systems used, by farm type, Canada, 2001

Table A.10.B  Types of irrigation systems used, by farm type, Eastern Canada, 2001

Table A.10.C  Types of irrigation systems used, by farm type, Western Canada, 2001

Table A.11  Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, Canada and provinces, 2001

Table A.12.A  Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, by farm type, Canada, 2001

Table A.12.B  Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, by farm type, Atlantic Provinces, 2001

Table A.12.C  Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, by farm  type, Quebec, 2001

Table A.12.D  Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, by farm type, Ontario, 2001

Table A.12.E  Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, by farm type, Manitoba, 2001

Table A.12.F  Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, by farm type, Saskatchewan, 2001

Table A.12.G  Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, by farm type, Alberta, 2001

Table A.12.H  Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, by farm type, British Columbia, 2001

Table A.13  Level of implementation of beneficial management practices for water, Canada and provinces, 2001


Figure 1  Grazing livestock access to surface water bodies, by farm revenue class,Canada, 2001

Figure 2  Distance between livestock feeding areas during winter months and surface water bodies, by farm revenue class, Canada, 2001

Figure 3 Disposal of milkhouse wash water on Canadian dairy farms with a liquid manure storage system, by farm revenue class, Canada, 2001

Figure 4  Disposal of toxic farm wastes, Canada, 2001

Figure 5  Types of irrigation systems used, by farm type, Canada, 2001

Figure 6   Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, by province, 2001

Figure 7  Frequency of domestic water testing on Canadian farms, by farm type, 2001