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Beshiri, Roland. (2004) "Immigrants in Rural Canada: 2001 update." Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Ottawa:  Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 21-006-XIE).

Beshiri, Roland and Emily Alfred. (2002) "Immigrants in Rural Canada." Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 2 (Ottawa:  Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 21-006-XIE).

Bruce, David. (2007). "The Challenges of Immigration as a Rural Repopulation Strategy in Maritime Canada." In Bill Reimer (ed.) Our Diverse Cities No. 3 (Summer), pp. 90-96.

Broadway, Michael. (2007) "Meatpacking and the Transformation of Rural Communities: A Comparison of Brooks, Alberta and Garden City, Kansas." Rural Sociology, Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. 560-582.

Clemenson, Heather A. and J. Roger Pitblado. (2007) "Recent Trends in Rural Urban Migration." In Bill Reimer (ed.) Our Diverse Cities No. 3 (Summer), pp. 25-29.

Donato, K.M., C.M. Tolbert II, A. Nucci, Yukio Kawano. (2007) "Recent Immigration Settlement in the Nonmetropolitan United States: Evidence from Internal Census Data." Rural Sociology, Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. 537- 559.

Du Plessis, Valerie, Roland Beshiri, Ray D. Bollman and Heather Clemenson. (2001) "Definitions of Rural." Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin. Vol. 3, No. 3 (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 21-006-XIE).

Fairy, David and Christina Hanson et al. 2008. Cultivating Farmworker Rights. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. 2008.

Kandel. W. and E.A. Parrado. (2005) "Restructuring of the US Meat Processing Industry and New Hispanic Migrant Destinations." Population and Development Review Vol. 31 (3), pp. 447-471.

Manitoba Labour and Immigration. (2007) Manitoba Immigration Facts: 2006 Statistical Report (Winnipeg: Manitoba Labour and Immigration).

Mitura, Verna and Ray D. Bollman. (2004) "Health status and behaviours of Canada's youth: A rural-urban comparison." Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin Vol. 5, No. 3 (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 21-006-XIE).

Puderer, Henry A. (2009) Urban Perspectives and Measurement (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Geography Working Paper, Catalogue no. 92F0138M — No. 2009001).

Radford, Paul. (2007) "A Call for Greater Research on Immigration Outside of Canada's Three Largest Cities." In Bill Reimer (ed.) Our Diverse Cities No. 3 (Summer), pp. 47-51.

Ram, Bali and Y.E, Shin. (1999) "Internal Migration of Immigrants." In Immigrant Canada: Demographic, Economic, and Social Challenges. Edited by Shiva S. Halli and Leo Driedger. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press).

Rothwell, Neil. (2002) "Migration to and from Rural and Small Town Canada." Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin Vol. 3, No. 6 (Ottawa:  Statistics Canada, Catalogue no.     21-006-XIE).

Rothwell, Neil, Ray D. Bollman, Juno Tremblay and Jeff Marshall. (2002) Recent Migration Patterns in Rural and Small Town Canada (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Agriculture and Rural Working Paper No. 55, Catalogue. no.   21-601-MIE02055).

Senate of Canada. (2008) Beyond Freefall: Halting Rural Poverty (Ottawa: Standing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Final Report, June).

Silvius, Ray (2005a) Manitoba Rural Immigration Community Case Studies: Steinbach (Brandon: Brandon University, Rural Development Institute Working Paper    #2005-7).

Silvius, Ray (2005b) Manitoba Rural Immigration Community Case Studies: Winkler (Brandon: Brandon University, Rural Development Institute Working Paper    #2005-8).

Statistics Canada. (2006) Annual Demographic Statistics, 2005 (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91-213).

Statistics Canada. (2007a) 2006 Census Dictionary (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Catalogue No. 92-566).

Statistics Canada. (2007b) "Population and dwelling counts: Highlights of the 2006 Census of Population." The Daily (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 11-001, March 13).

Statistics Canada. (2007c) "Immigration, citizenship, language, mobility and migration: Highlights of the 2006 Census of Population." The Daily (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no.     11-001, December 4).

Statistics Canada. (2008) Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada 2005 and 2006. (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91-209).