Table 3.97
Population and dwellings, total and settled area, Windsor census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 1971, 1991, 2001 and 2011

Table 3.97
Population and dwellings, total and settled area, Windsor census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 1971, 1991, 2001 and 2011
Table summary
This table displays population and dwelling numbers for the total area and settled area of Windsor CMA and CMA-E. The row headers provide information on the population and dwellings in the years 1971, 1991, 2001 and 2011, as well as the population and dwelling change from 1971 to 2011. The column headers provide information on number and percentage change for the total area and settled area for both the CMA and CMA-ecosystem boundaries.
  CMANote 1 CMA-ecosystemNote 2
Total area Settled areaNote 3 Total area Settled areaNote 3
Population 259,546 233,637 296,704 246,110
Dwellings 74,307 67,718 84,885 71,472
Population 266,408 263,468 311,057 300,718
Dwellings 98,391 97,399 113,626 110,228
Population 302,045 289,459 344,855 318,918
Dwellings 121,168 116,767 137,698 128,538
Population 319,246 308,493 364,156 340,601
Dwellings 137,098 133,050 155,474 146,535
Population and dwelling change, 1971 to 2011  
Population 23 32 23 38
Dwellings 85 96 83 105

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