Table 3.52
Population and dwellings, total and settled area, Ottawa–Gatineau (Quebec part) census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 1971, 1991, 2001 and 2011

Table 3.52
Population and dwellings, total and settled area, Ottawa–Gatineau (Quebec part) census metropolitan area (CMA) and census metropolitan area-ecosystem (CMA-E), 1971, 1991, 2001 and 2011
Table summary
This table displays population and dwelling numbers for the total area and settled area of Ottawa–Gatineau-Que. part CMA and CMA-E. The row headers provide information on the population and dwellings in the years 1971, 1991, 2001 and 2011, as well as the population and dwelling change from 1971 to 2011. The column headers provide information on number and percentage change for the total area and settled area for both the CMA and CMA-ecosystem boundaries.
  CMANote 1 CMA-ecosystemNote 2
Total area Settled areaNote 3 Total area Settled areaNote 3
Population 162,709 147,493 181,157 154,631
Dwellings 41,176 37,471 45,856 39,371
Population 232,314 220,788 251,565 239,554
Dwellings 86,197 82,189 93,411 89,216
Population 264,148 247,605 283,064 257,732
Dwellings 113,665 104,488 126,351 110,778
Population 314,501 301,075 334,492 313,249
Dwellings 142,269 135,180 156,241 143,507
Population and dwelling change, 1971 to 2011  
Population 93 104 85 103
Dwellings 246 261 241 264

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