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Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 2001, "Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life: CCME Water Quality Index 1.0, technical report", in Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines, 1999, Winnipeg.

Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 2001, "Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life: CCME Water Quality Index 1.0, user's manual", in Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines, 1999, Winnipeg.

Guadagnoli, E. and W.F. Velicer, 1988, Relation of Sample Size to the Stability of Component Patterns, Psychological Bulletin, 103, 265-275.

Gartner Lee Limited, 2005, A Sensitivity Analysis of the Canadian Water Quality Index.

Painter, S. and J. Waltho, Canadian Water Quality Index: A Sensitivity Analysis.

Statistics Canada, 2005, Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators, 2005. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 16-251-XIE, Ottawa.