Income mapping

While the MEA includes more detail by income category, the DHEA estimates include a reduced number of categories relevant to the household sector for which quality distributions can be produced.

Since, as noted above, the household disposable income concept is not measured directly in the SPSD/M, in order to assign SPSD/M households to equivalized disposable income quintiles, disposable income must first be estimated for each household as follows:

The result is a new income variable for each SPSD/M household more closely aligned with the macroeconomic concept of household disposable income. The DHEA mapping for each income concept is shown in the table below. As mentioned previously, while DHEA income is not published at the full MEA level of detail, this information is used internally to map SPSD/M to the macroeconomic income concept.

Table 1
Distributed Household Economic Accounts (DHEA), income mapping between the System of Macroeconomic Accounts (MEA) and the Social Policy Simulation Database and Model (SPSD/M)
Table summary
Distributed Household Economic Accounts (DHEA), income mapping between the System of Macroeconomic Accounts (MEA) and the Social Policy Simulation Database and Model (SPSD/M)
DHEA income category MEA disposable income concept Distribution variable/proxy from SPSD/M
Compensation of employees Wages and salaries
Employer contributions to registered pension plans
Employer contributions to Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)
Employer contributions to Employment Insurance
Workers’ compensation (employer paid to fund)
Retirement allowances
Wages and salaries
Employee contributions to registered pension plans

Employee contributions to Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)

Employee contributions to Employment Insurance

Wages and salaries

Wages and salaries
Wages and salaries
Mixed income Non-farm and farm income
Rental income, actual
Gross imputed rent
Self-employment income
Interest and other investment income
Property tax billed on household’s principal residence
Property income received Dividends
Interest income derived from deposits, bonds, mortgages, treasury bills
Interest from life insurance plans
Interest on pension plans
Unfunded pension liability
Implicit income on deposits
Implicit income on insurance
Miscellaneous investment income
Foreign investment income
Interest and other investment income

Wages and salaries
Employee registered pension plan contributions plus a fixed share of pension income
Employee registered pension plan contributions plus a fixed share of pension income
Interest and other investment income
Wages and salaries
Interest and other investment income
Interest and other investment income
Property income paid Interest on consumer credit
Interest on mortgages

Interest paid by non-farm unincorporated business
Interest paid by farm unincorporated business
Equally distributed
Estimated proxy for distributions of gross imputed rent, derived from payments for mortgages, condominium charges, mortgage insurance premiums, and maintenance cost of vacation homes (before 2012). Annual mortgage payment, excluding property taxes (2012 and beyond)
Self-employment income, excluding agriculture (before 2012) and Self-employment income afterwards
Self-employment income in agriculture (before 2012) and Self-employment income afterwards
Current transfers received From non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH)
From corporations
Family and youth allowances
Child Tax Benefit
Universal Child Care Benefit (introduced in 2006)
Employment Insurance benefits
Old Age Security
Goods and Services Tax Credit
Military veterans' benefits
Research and scholarship grants
Social assistance: income maintenance
Social assistance: Family benefits
Social assistance: Other
Social insurance benefits, workers’ compensation
Social insurance benefits, other
CPP/QPP benefits
Other transfers
- Working income tax benefit (WITB)
- Registered education savings plan grants & bonds
- Canada student loan program
- Transfers to students from provinces and colleges
- Local government social assistance
- Other transfers (residual)

From non-residents
Allocated to households with income of less than $50,000 and based on the number of kids

Pension income
Total federal child benefits
Total federal child benefits
Universal Child Care Benefit (introduced in 2006)

Employment Insurance benefits
Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement and Spousal Allowance
Federal sales tax / Goods and Services Tax Credit
Sum of all transfers from government to households
Other taxable income for full-time students in post-secondary institutions under 35 years old
Social assistance benefits
Sum of all provincial family allowance programs
Federal sales tax/goods and services tax credit
Workers' compensation benefits

Quebec Parental Insurance Plan calendar year benefits
CPP/QPP benefits

Working income tax benefit
Number of kids in household

Tuition fees

Tuition fees
Social assistance benefits

Residual government transfers not listed in “current transfers received”
Distributed equally among all households
Current transfers paid To NPISH
To corporations

Federal income tax
Provincial income tax
Contributions to social insurance plans
- To federal govt (EI)
- To provincial government
- Workers’ compensation program
- Other programs
Other government payments
- Motor vehicle and drivers licences
- Health insurance premiums
- Residual (other)
To non-residents
Charitable donations and government gifts
Interest on pension plans and on unfunded pension liability, as included in the property income section above, and contributions to registered pension plans
Federal income tax
Provincial income tax

Employee EI contributions

Employment income
Employee EI contributions
Employee CPP/QPP contributions

Equally allocated to households with motor vehicles
Sum of taxes to federal and provincial governments
Sum of taxes to federal and provincial governments
Gifts of money and support payments to person living outside Canada
Date modified: