Wholesale Services Price Index (WSPI) 2008 to 2017

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Release date: July 19, 2018
Infographic: Wholesale Services Price Index (WSPI) 2008 to 2017
Description: Wholesale Services Price Index (WSPI) 2008 to 2017

This infographic highlights the price change of wholesale services. Data for the line charts are available by accessing the source link at the bottom of this page.

Wholesale Services Price Index (WSPI) 2008 to 2017

Statistics Canada measures price changes across the value chain

A diagram is presented illustrating the value chain. The elements in the diagram from left to right are:

  • Raw materials
  • Industrial products
  • Wholesale services
  • Retail services
  • Consumer prices

The evolution of margins in the Canadian wholesale trade sector

A line chart is displayed illustrating the evolution of the WSPI as an index series, from the first quarter of 2008 to the fourth quarter of 2017. The vertical axis represents the index values and the horizontal axis shows the time period.

The line shows a general progressive trend upward, starting at 100.0 in the first quarter of 2008, and ending at 120.9 in the fourth quarter of 2017.


  • Measures changes in the price of wholesale services and is used to answer questions about inflation and productivity in the wholesale sector.
  • Comprises over 100 index series, which are published quarterly, four months after the reference quarter.
  • Can be used by businesses to measure their performance against industry trends.

The price of the wholesale service is defined as a margin, which is the difference between the selling price and the purchase price of products sold by wholesalers.

Trends in wholesale margins compared to the overall WSPI

Food, beverage and tobacco

  • This line chart shows trends in food, beverage and tobacco wholesalers' margin compared to the overall WSPI.
  • These wholesalers have posted a large margin growth since 2013.

Petroleum products

  • This line chart compares trends in petroleum products wholesalers' margins to the overall WSPI.
  • Volatility in wholesale margins are often seen in this subsector.

Motor vehicle and parts

  • This line chart highlights trends in motor vehicle and parts wholesalers' margins compared to the overall WSPI.
  • Margins for motor vehicle and parts followed a similar trend as the overall WSPI.

Total change in margins from 2008 to 2017 by wholesale subsectors

A chart is displayed showing the change margins by wholesale subsectors between the first quarter of 2008 and the fourth quarter of 2017. The vertical axis represents the percentage change and the horizontal axis lists all wholesale subsectors. The categories are displayed from the highest to the lowest change in margins, ending with the overall WSPI

All wholesale subsectors posted growth in margins, with wholesalers of petroleum products recording the largest change.

Total change in margins from 2008 to 2017 by wholesale subsectors
Subsectors Percentage change
Petroleum products 56
Food, beverage and tobacco 43
Miscellaneous 27
Motor vehicle and parts 18
Building material and supplies 14
Machinery equipment and supplies 12
Farm product 10
Personal and household goods 6
Overall WSPI 21

Source: Statistics Canada, table 18-10-0254-01 (formerly 332-0030)

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