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Amano, Robert A., and Simon van Norden. 1993. "A forecasting equation for the Canada-U.S. dollar exchange rate." In The Exchange Rate and the Economy . 207–265. Ottawa: Bank of Canada.

Bailliu, Jeannine, and Michael R. King. 2005. "What drives movements in exchange rate?" Bank ofCanada Review . 127: 27–39. Ottawa: Bank of Canada.

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Diewert, W. Erwin, and Catherine C. Morrison. 1986. Adjusting Output and Productivity Indexes for Changes in the Terms of Trade . NBER Working Paper no. 1564. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Francis, Michael. 2007. "The effect of China on global prices." Bank of Canada Review . Autumn 2007: 13–25.

Kohli, Ulrich. 2004. "Real GDP, real domestic income, and terms of trade changes." Journal of International Economics. 62, 1: 83–106.

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Macdonald, Ryan. 2007. Real GDP and the Purchasing Power of Provincial Output . Economic Analysis (EA) Research Paper Series. Catalogue no. 11F0027MIE2007046. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Mankiw, N. Gregory, David Romer and David N. Weil. 1992. "A contribution to the empirics of economic growth." Quarterly Journal of Economics. 107, 2: 407–437.

Sala-i-Martin, Xavier. 1990. On Growth and States. PhD thesis. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University.

Salter. W.E.G. 1959. "Internal and external balance: The role of price and expenditure effects." Economic Record. 35: 226–238.

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