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Geographic changes
Descriptions of Table 1 and 2
This Interim List provides a summary of the changes to census subdivisions (e.g., municipal boundary changes) in effect between January 2, 2009 and January 1, 2010. This report represents the changes which have been processed by the Geography Division based on the information received and, therefore, does not include all the changes which may have occurred in this time period.
We would welcome any suggestions on the presentation of the Interim List or the planned frequency. Those users requiring more information about changes to census subdivisions should contact us by e-mail at, or by phone at 1‑800‑263‑1136.
Notification of the changes that take place during this period are obtained from the provincial gazette and statutes, the orders of the Municipal Board, and special provincial acts.
Boundary changes are compiled from legal descriptions and accompanying sketch maps onto a digital compilation base map which is maintained by the Geography Division, using the best available information. Copies of these maps are sent for verification to the municipal authority in each province/territory on an annual basis. Any corrections or additional changes reported back to the Geography Division are represented in the subsequent issue of the Interim List as change types 8, 8C, 9 or 9C (boundary revisions).
To calculate population adjustments to census subdivisions (CSDs)1 affected by a boundary change, the change can be categorized at the dissemination block2 level into two types:
In the case of complete dissemination blocks, the population count adjustments are made using published data counts.
In the case of partial dissemination blocks, adjusted population counts are derived using 2006 Census collection instruments (visitation records3 and collection maps) for the dissemination block part being annexed. The population for the part dissemination block not being annexed is the residual – published dissemination block population count minus the derived population count for the annexed part dissemination block.Prior to the 1996 Census, the land area data contained in the Interim List was calculated manually using a digital planimeter for each CSD boundary change. This process was automated for the 2001 Census. As a result of this change, land area is no longer being calculated or published in the Interim List for individual changes, including those changes at the census subdivision level.
The following two text tables show census subdivision types by province and territory and the number of CSD changes by type of change. The summary data reflect the transactions in effect between January 2, 2009 and January 1, 2010.Table A Census subdivision types by province and territory, as of January 1, 2010
Table B Number of census subdivision changes by type of change (with 8C and 9C)
The Interim List contains two tables:
Table 1 is a bilingual table that presents all types of changes received to date, with 2006 population reported according to January 1, 2010 census subdivision limits. The changes are listed in alphabetical order by province/territory and the data are available for download for all of Canada as well as by province/territory.
Table 2 is a bilingual table that presents only changes that impact on the Standard Geographical Classification (SGC)4 and therefore excludes annexations and boundary revisions. The changes are listed in SGC code order and the data are available for download for all of Canada as well as by province/territory.
An important reference for users of the Interim List is the Standard Geographical Classification manual. It is composed of:
Volume I (The Classification) - Catalogue number 12-571-X
Volume II (Reference Maps) - Catalogue number 12-572-X.