Table 4.1
2021 Record layout - Road network file

Table 4.1
2021 Record layout - Road network file
Table summary
This table displays the results of Table 4.1. The information is grouped by Record layout - Road network file (appearing as row headers), (appearing as column headers).
Attribute name Data type Description
NGD_UID Character (10) Unique identifier of the arc.
NAME Character (50) Street name associated with the arc.
TYPE Character (6) Street type associated with the arc.
DIR Character (2) Street direction associated with the arc.
AFL_VAL Character (9) Civic address found on the left-hand side of the arc at the FROM node.
ATL_VAL Character (9) Civic address found on the left-hand side of the arc at the TO node.
AFR_VAL Character (9) Civic address found on the right-hand side of the arc at the FROM node.
ATR_VAL Character (9) Civic address found on the right-hand side of the arc at the TO node.
CSDDGUID_L Character (21) Census subdivision Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier, left-hand side of arc.Table 4.1 Note 1
CSDUID_L Character (7) Uniquely identifies the census subdivision (composed of the 2-digit province or territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit census division code and the 3-digit census subdivision code), left-hand side of arc.
CSDNAME_L Character (100) Census subdivision name, left-hand side of arc.
CSDTYPE_L Character (3) Census subdivision type, according to designations adopted by provincial/territorial or federal authorities, left-hand side of arc.
CSDDGUID_R Character (21) Census subdivision Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier, right-hand side of arc.Table 4.1 Note 1
CSDUID_R Character (7) Uniquely identifies a census subdivision (composed of the 2-digit province or territory unique identifier followed by the 2-digit census division code and the 3-digit census subdivision code), right-hand side of arc.
CSDNAME_R Character (100) Census subdivision name, right-hand side of arc.
CSDTYPE_R Character (3) Census subdivision type, according to designations adopted by provincial/territorial or federal authorities, right-hand side of arc.
PRDGUID_L Character (21) Province or territory Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier, left-hand side of arc.Table 4.1 Note 1
PRUID_L Character (2) Uniquely identifies a province or territory, left-hand side of arc.
PRNAME_L Character (100) Province or territory name, left-hand side of arc.
PRDGUID_R Character (21) Province or territory Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier, right-hand side of arc.Table 4.1 Note 1
PRUID_R Character (2) Uniquely identifies a province or territory, right-hand side of arc.
PRNAME_R Character (100) Province or territory name, right-hand side of arc.
RANK Character (1) Street rank associated with the arc.
CLASS Character (2) Street class associated with the arc.
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