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Unrestricted use licence agreement for Statistics Canada's 2010 Road Network File

1.0 Definitions
2.0 Intellectual property rights
3.0 Licence grant
4.0 Acknowledgement of source and incorporation of metadata
5.0 Representations, warranties, indemnities
6.0 Termination
7.0 Generalities


I. WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner or licensee of intellectual property rights in and to digital data contained in the database known as 2010 Road Network File;
II. AND WHEREAS the Licensee wishes to obtain certain rights to the Data, in accordance with the terms and conditions herein contained;
III. AND WHEREAS the Licensor wishes to grant to the Licensee certain rights to the Data, in accordance with the terms and conditions herein contained;
IV. AND WHEREAS the Licensor represents that it has full authority to grant the rights desired by the Licensee on the terms and conditions herein contained;
V. AND WHEREAS the parties hereto are desirous of entering into a licence agreement on the basis herein set forth,
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants contained in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:

1.0 Definitions

1.1 "Agreement" means this Unrestricted Use Licence Agreement and all schedules annexed to this agreement, as the same may be amended from time to time in accordance with the provisions hereof.

1.2 "Data" means any original and fixed digital data (i.e., that is transmitted electronically), metadata, software or documentation licensed pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

1.3 "Derived Products" means any product or service created from, or made functional through, the use of all or part of the Data.

1.4 "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all intellectual property rights recognized by the law, including any intellectual property right protected through legislation.

1.5 "Licensor's Data" means that Data, the Intellectual Property Rights of which vest with the Licensor

1.6 "Licensor's Licensed Rights" means those rights conferred upon the Licensor by third parties over the use of Data which is not the Licensor's Data.

1.7 "Modifications" means any modification, enhancement, translation, update or upgrade of all or any part of the Data, in any medium.

2.0 Intellectual property rights

2.1 All title and Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Licensor's Data shall at all times remain the property of the Licensor. All title and Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Data that is not the Licensor's Data are the property of the respective content owners and may be protected by copyright, other intellectual property laws, common law or international treaties.

3.0 Licence grant

3.1 Subject to this Agreement, the Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee a non-exclusive, world-wide, non-assignable, royalty-free right and licence to exercise such of the Licensor's Licensed Rights and such of the Licensor's Intellectual Property Rights in the Data as is necessary to use, reproduce, extract, modify, translate, further develop, distribute the Data, manufacture or cause to be manufactured and sell or license or cause to be sold or licensed Derived Products, and to sub-licence any or all of such rights, PROVIDED:

(i) all reproductions of the Data shall carry the notices and metadata information set out in section 4 hereof and the provisions contained in sections 5, to be amended in such circumstances by replacing the term "Licensor" as found in the aforementioned provisions with the Licensor's applied title or any such designation as the Licensor may indicate; and

(ii) all distribution of the Data or licensing by the Licensee of Derived Products containing the Data, and any sub-licence by the Licensee of its rights hereunder, shall be evidenced in writing, shall be on the same terms and conditions as contained herein and shall specifically include the provisions contained in sections 4, 5 and 6.2 hereof, to be amended in the circumstances by replacing in such agreements the term "Licensor" as found in the aforementioned provisions with the Licensor's applied title or any such designation as the Licensor may indicate.

3.2 The Intellectual Property Rights arising from any Modifications or from the manufacture of Derived Products, effected by or for the Licensee, shall vest in the Licensee or in such person as the Licensee shall decide.

4.0 Acknowledgement of source and incorporation of metadata

4.1 The Licensee shall include the following notice where any of the Data is contained within Derived Products,

Source: Geography Division, Statistics Canada, 2010 Road Network File, catalogue number 92-500-XWE, 92-500-XWF
The incorporation of data sourced from Statistics Canada within this product shall not be construed as constituting an endorsement by Statistics Canada of such product

or any other notice deemed appropriate by the Licensor.

4.2 The Licensee shall reproduce, include and maintain the following notice on all reproductions of the Licensor's Data produced pursuant to Section 3 above:

Reproduced with the permission of Statistics Canada

4.3 The Licensee shall incorporate in all reproduction and downstream distribution of the Data all metadata included by the Licensor in the provision of the Data.

5.0 Representations, warranties, indemnities

5.1 The Licensor makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to the accuracy, usefulness, novelty, validity, scope, completeness or currency of the Data, at any time and from time to time, and expressly disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the Data. The Licensor does not ensure or warrant compatibility with past, current or future versions of computer software to access the Data.

5.2 The Licensee acknowledges having received notice of the disclaimer set out above and accepts the Data on an "as is" basis, without representations or warranties of any kind. No oral or written information or advice given by the Licensor, at any time or from time to time, shall create or evidence, or be deemed to create or evidence, a contractual representation, warranty or guarantee of any kind.

5.3 The Licensee shall have no recourse against the Licensor, its officers, directors, employees, authorized agents and contractors, whether by way of any suit or action or other, for any loss, liability, damage or cost that the Licensee may suffer or incur at any time, by reason of the Licensee's possession or use of the Data or arising out of the exercise by the Licensee of its rights hereunder.

5.4 The Licensee shall indemnify the Licensor, its officers, directors, employees, authorized agents and contractors from all claims whatsoever alleging loss, costs, expenses, damages or injuries (including injuries resulting in death) arising out of the Licensee's possession or use of the Data or the exercise by the Licensee of its rights hereunder.

5.5 The Licensee's obligation to indemnify the Licensor, its officers, directors, employees, authorized agents and contractors, under this Agreement shall not affect or prejudice the Licensor from exercising any other rights under law.

5.6 The provisions of this Article shall survive termination of this Agreement.

6.0 Termination

6.1 This Agreement may be terminated

(i) automatically and without notice, if the Licensee commits or permits a breach of any of its covenants or obligations under this Agreement;
(ii) upon written notice of termination by the Licensee at any time, and such termination shall take effect thirty (30) days after the receipt by the Licensor of such notice; or
(iii) upon mutual agreement of the parties.

6.2 Upon termination of this Agreement, for whatever reason, the Licensee's rights under section 3 shall immediately cease; and all obligations of the Parties which expressly or by their nature survive termination shall continue in full force and effect subsequent to and notwithstanding such termination, until they are fully satisfied or by their nature expire. For greater clarity, but without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the following provisions survive termination of this Agreement:

- section 5 (representations, warranties, indemnities)

6.3 Notwithstanding subsections 6.1 and 6.2 above, the Licensee may continue to use the Data for the purpose of completing orders of Derived Products made before the termination date of this Agreement

6.4 Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement, all agreements entered into by the Licensee in the exercise of its rights under section 3 thereof prior to such termination and all obligations imposed therein shall continue in full force and effect subject to their terms.

7.0 Generalities

7.1 Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and the rights of the parties shall be governed by, the laws of Ontario and Canada, as applicable.

7.2 Entirety of Agreement
This Agreement hereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter. This Agreement may only be amended in writing, signed by both parties, which expressly states the intention to amend this Agreement.

7.3 Alternate Dispute Resolution
If a dispute arises concerning this Agreement, or if a proposed modification of any term of this Agreement cannot be agreed between the parties, the parties shall attempt to resolve the matter first by negotiation.

If the parties have not succeeded in negotiating a resolution, then they shall jointly submit the dispute to a mutually accepted mediator. If the parties cannot agree on an acceptable mediator, then either party may submit the dispute to binding arbitration.

The arbitral tribunal shall be governed by the UN Commercial Arbitration Code (the "Code"), referred to in the Commercial Arbitration Act, R.S.C 1985, c. C-4.6, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitral tribunal may be entered in any court having jurisdiction over the matter.

The arbitral tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator chosen by the parties.

Subject to the Code, the parties agree that the award and determination of the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding on both parties, shall be without right of appeal and shall be the exclusive remedy between the parties regarding any claims, counterclaims, issues or disputes presented to the arbitral tribunal.

The Parties shall bear the costs of the mediation equally, except that each party shall bear its own personal costs of the mediation.

The costs of the arbitral tribunal's fees and expenses shall be shared equally by the parties. The parties shall bear their own personal costs except that the losing party shall pay all costs, fees, levies and taxes arising from and necessitated by the enforcement of the arbitral tribunal's award, including, without limitation, registration, enforcement charges or other judicial levies or costs

7.4 No Joint Venture
The Parties expressly disclaim any intention to create a partnership, joint venture or joint enterprise. The Parties acknowledge and agree that nothing contained in this Agreement nor any acts of any party shall constitute or be deemed to constitute the parties as partners, joint ventures or principal and agent in any way or for any purpose. No Party has the authority to act for, or to assume any obligation or responsibility on behalf of the other Party. The relationship between the Parties is intended to be, and shall at all times be construed as that of licensor and licensee.

7.5 No Waiver
No condoning, excusing or overlooking by the Licensor of any default by the Licensee, at any time or times, in performing or observing any of the Licensee's obligations hereunder, will operate as a waiver, renunciation, surrender of or otherwise affect the rights of the Licensor in respect of any continuing or subsequent default. No waiver of these rights will be inferred from anything done or omitted by the Licensor, except by an express waiver in writing.

7.6 Order of Precedence
If there is a conflict or ambiguity between this Agreement proper and any schedules thereto, the interpretation consistent with this Agreement proper (taking into consideration the statements in the recitals and headings) shall prevail and apply, notwithstanding any wording to the contrary in the applicable schedule.

7.7 Notices
The Licensor assumes no obligation or liability whatsoever for the provision of updates to the Data or the provision of notices in relation thereto to the Licensee.

Any use whatsoever of this data product shall constitute your acceptance of the terms of this agreement.

For further information please contact:

Licensing Services
Client Services Division, Statistics Canada
R.H. Coats Building, 9th Floor, section A
100 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6, Canada
Telephone: 613-951-1122
Fax: 613-951-1134

© Statistics Canada, 2010