Table 4.1
Postal Code Conversion File (PCCF) and Retired 2005 (R2005.txt) record layouts

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Position Size Type1 Field name Description
1 6 C Postal code Postal code
7 3 C FSA Forward sortation area
10 2 C PR Province/territory code
12 4 C CDuid Census division unique identifier
16 7 C CSDuid Census subdivision unique identifier
23 70 C CSDname Census subdivision name
93 3 C CSDtype Census subdivision type
96 3 C CCScode Census consolidated subdivision code
99 3 C SAC Statistical Area Classification code (includes CMA/CA)
102 1 C SACtype Statistical Area Classification type (includes CMA/CA)
103 7 C CTname Census tract name
110 2 C ER Economic region code
112 4 C DPL Designated place code
116 5 C FED03uid Federal electoral district - 2003 Representation Order unique identifier
121 4 C POP_CNTR_RA Population centre/rural area code
125 1 C POP_CNTR_RA_type Population centre/rural area type
126 8 C DAuid Dissemination area unique identifier
134 2 C Dissemination block Dissemination block code
136 1 C Rep_Pt_Type Representative point type
137 11 N LAT Latitude of lowest level geographic area for postal code record (as indicated in Rep_point variable)
148 13 N LONG Longitude of lowest level geographic area for postal code record (as indicated in Rep_point variable)
161 1 C SLI Single link indicator
162 1 C PCtype Postal code type
163 30 C Comm_Name Community name
193 1 C DMT Delivery mode type
194 1 C H_DMT Historic delivery mode type
195 8 C Birth_Date Birth date (yyyymmdd)
203 8 C Ret_Date Retired date (yyyymmdd)
211 1 C PO Delivery installation
212 3 C QI Quality indicator
215 1 C Source Source of geocoding
216 1 C POP_CNTR_RA_SIZE_CLASS  Population centre and rural area classification
1. The type 'N' refers to numeric values while 'C' refers to both alphabetic and numeric characters.