Text table 2.2
Linguistic characteristics and language use of nurses, regions, provinces, territories and Canada less Quebec, 2006

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Linguistic characteristics and language use of nurses, regions, provinces, territories and Canada less Quebec, 2006: Part 1
  Official-language minority population by place of residence Nurses by place of work
Total of nurses Minority official language
First official language spoken Language used most often at work Language used regularly at work Language used at least regularly at work Knowledge of the minority official language
East 39,300 16,985 345 120 315 435 1,270
Newfoundland and Labrador 1,935 5,750 10 10 60 70 230
Prince Edward Island 5,135 1,615 20 10 50 60 130
Nova Scotia 32,230 9,625 315 100 210 310 915
New Brunswick 235,130 8,065 2,765 2,600 970 3,570 3,935
North 127,130 2,020 1,560 1,630 220 1,850 1,840
South-East 78,515 2,115 965 890 310 1,200 1,300
Rest of New Brunswick 29,485 3,935 240 75 450 525 790
Quebec 994,720 61,320 5,275 7,795 14,760 22,555 27,535
East 16,430 3,765 90 120 520 640 895
Estrie and South 51,210 4,495 185 220 1,720 1,940 2,090
Montréal 800,600 28,685 4,580 6,785 9,130 15,915 17,275
West 64,075 3,255 170 250 1,420 1,670 1,690
Québec and surrounding area 17,375 13,420 105 85 1,060 1,145 3,390
Rest of Quebec 45,030 7,700 155 330 915 1,245 2,190
Ontario 537,585 99,275 4,785 1,895 4,960 6,855 11,695
North-East 123,520 5,275 1,100 395 1,245 1,640 1,745
Ottawa 135,220 8,380 1,945 985 2,415 3,400 3,715
South-East 77,435 1,145 360 330 310 640 660
Toronto 46,710 25,360 345 80 245 325 1,770
Rest of Ontario 154,700 59,110 1,030 105 735 840 3,800
West 182,490 88,515 1,770 225 830 1,055 6,105
Manitoba 43,120 12,025 490 140 290 430 1,020
Saskatchewan 14,850 9,460 150 15 55 70 435
Alberta 62,785 32,215 670 40 290 330 2,310
British Columbia 61,735 34,815 460 25 205 230 2,340
Territories 2,615 955 40 15 15 30 125
Yukon 1,180 335 15 0 0 0 50
Northwest Territories 1,010 430 10 0 10 10 35
Nunavut 425 190 15 10 10 20 40
Canada less Quebec 997,120 213,795 9,705 4,850 7,090 11,935 23,130
Linguistic characteristics and language use of nurses, regions, provinces, territories and Canada less Quebec, 2006: Part 2
  Minority official language
Official- language minority population by place of residence Nurses by place of work
First official language spoken Language used most often at work Language used regularly at work Language used at least regularly at work Knowledge of the minority official language
  percentage difference percentage difference percentage difference percentage difference
East 2.6 2.0   0.7 H2,H3 1.9 2.6 H5 7.5 H6,H7
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.4 0.2   0.2   1.0 1.2 H4,H5 4.0 H6,H7
Prince Edward Island 3.8 1.2 H1 0.6   3.1 3.7 H5 8.0 H6,H7
Nova Scotia 3.6 3.3   1.0 H2,H3 2.2 3.2 H5 9.5 H6,H7
New Brunswick 32.7 34.3   32.2   12.0 44.3 H4,H5 48.8 H6
North 77.4 77.2   80.7   10.9 91.6 H5 91.1  
South-East 48.7 45.6   42.1 H3 14.7 56.7 H5 61.5 H6
Rest of New Brunswick 7.5 6.1   1.9 H2,H3 11.4 13.3 H4,H5 20.1 H6,H7
Quebec 13.4 8.6 H1 12.7 H2,H3 24.1 36.8 H4,H5 44.9 H6,H7
East 4.3 2.4 H1 3.2   13.8 17.0 H4,H5 23.8 H6,H7
Estrie and South 8.7 4.1 H1 4.9 H3 38.3 43.2 H4,H5 46.5 H7
Montréal 22.3 16.0 H1 23.7 H2 31.8 55.5 H4,H5 60.2 H6,H7
West of Quebec 13.3 5.2 H1 7.7 H3 43.6 51.3 H4,H5 51.9 H6
Québec and surrounding area 1.3 0.8   0.6 H3 7.9 8.5 H4,H5 25.3 H6,H7
Rest of Quebec 4.1 2.0 H1 4.3 H2 11.9 16.2 H4,H5 28.4 H6,H7
Ontario 4.5 4.8 H1 1.9 H2,H3 5.0 6.9 H4,H5 11.8 H6,H7
North-East 25.1 20.9 H1 7.5 H2,H3 23.6 31.1 H4,H5 33.1 H6
Ottawa 16.9 23.2 H1 11.8 H2,H3 28.8 40.6 H4,H5 44.3 H6
South-East 41.3 31.4   28.8 H3 27.1 55.9 H4,H5 57.6 H6
Toronto 1.9 1.4 H1 0.3 H2,H3 1.0 1.3 H5 7.0 H6,H7
Rest of Ontario 1.9 1.7   0.2 H2,H3 1.2 1.4 H5 6.4 H6,H7
West 1.9 2.0   0.3 H2,H3 0.9 1.2 H4,H5 6.9 H6,H7
Manitoba 3.8 4.1   1.2 H2,H3 2.4 3.6 H5 8.5 H6,H7
Saskatchewan 1.6 1.6   0.2 H2,H3 0.6 0.7 H4,H5 4.6 H6,H7
Alberta 1.9 2.1   0.1 H2,H3 0.9 1.0 H4,H5 7.2 H6,H7
British Columbia 1.5 1.3   0.1 H2,H3 0.6 0.7 H4,H5 6.7 H6,H7
Territories 2.6 4.2   1.6   1.6 3.1 H5 13.1 H6,H7
Yukon 3.9 4.5   0.0   0.0 0.0   14.9  
Northwest Territories 2.5 2.3   0.0   2.3 2.3   8.1  
Nunavut 1.4 7.9   5.3   5.3 10.5   21.1  
Canada less Quebec 4.2 4.5 H1 2.3 H2,H3 3.3 5.6 H4,H5 10.8 H6,H7
significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) between the proportion of nurses having the minority language as their first official-language and the minority-language population
significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) between the proportion of nurses using the minority language most often at work and those who have the minority language as first official language
significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) between the proportion of nurses using the minority language most often at work and the minority-language population
significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) between the proportion of nurses using the minority language at least regularly at work and those who have the minority language as first official language
significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) between the proportion of nurses using the minority language at least regularly at work and the minority-language population
significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) between the proportion of nurses with knowledge of the minority language and those who use the minority language most often at work
significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) between the proportion of nurses with knowledge of the minority language and those who use the minority language at least regularly at work
All numbers were randomly rounded to multiples of 5. Numbers between 1 and 9 were randomly rounded to 0 or 10. Please refer to the methodological note in the appendix regarding explanations about calculating statistical tests. Please refer to the appendix for the descriptive list of regions and their census divisions.
Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 20% sample, 2006.
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