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In this report, the attribute "regularly" refers to part B in the language of work question which asks for other languages used regularly at work in addition to the language used most often.
The number of people who use a language at least regularly is the number of workers who declared that they use this language most often (alone or with another language), or regularly (alone or with another language).
Random rounding as well as sampling error in the Yukon are however too great to obtain an exact estimate of French-speakers. There was no sampling error in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories since all households answered the entire questionnaire which was, elsewhere, filled in by one household in five.
Of those 145, about 15 said most often.
Because of random rounding, the actual number could be anywhere between 0 and 9.
In Ottawa, 29.8% of doctors use French regularly at work whereas 6.6% report using it most often.
However, the sampling error does not allow us to say that these two proportions are statistically different.
Of that number, 830 nurses (0.8%) use French regularly at work, in addition to using English most often.
In this region, 450 of 525 nurses use French regularly at work, in addition to English which is the language used most often.
In Northeastern Ontario and Ottawa, most nurses who use French at work indicate that they use it regularly in addition to using English. In Southeastern Ontario, the number of nurses who use French most often equals the number of those who use it regularly.
For example, veterinarians and animal health technologists are included in the group of health care professionals.
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