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Annual Demographic Estimates: Census Metropolitan Areas, Economic Regions and Census Divisions, Age and Sex
2001 to 2006

Data quality, concepts and methodology

Explanatory notes for the tables

Annual population estimates, July 1, subprovincial perspective


Population estimates for July 1 are final postcensal from 2001 to 2003, updated postcensal for 2004 and 2005 and preliminary postcensal for 2006.

Annual estimates of demographic components


The numbers of births are final up to 2003/2004, updated for 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.


The numbers of deaths are final up to 2002/2003, updated for 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.


The numbers of immigrants are final up to 2003/2004, updated for 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.


The numbers of emigrants are final up to 2002/2003, updated for 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Returning emigrants

The numbers of returning emigrants are final up to 2002/2003, updated for 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Net temporary emigrants

The numbers of net temporary emigrants are final up to 2002/2003, updated for 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Net non-permanent residents

The numbers of net non-permanent residents are final up to 2002/2003, updated for 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Interprovincial in-migrants

The numbers of interprovincial in-migrants are final up to 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Interprovincial out-migrants

The numbers of interprovincial out-migrants are final up to 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Intraprovincial in-migrants

The numbers of intraprovincial in-migrants are final up to 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006. For the economic regions, the number of intraprovincial in-migrants is not available.

Intraprovincial out-migrants

The numbers of intraprovincial out-migrants are final up to 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006. For the economic regions, the number of intraprovincial out-migrants is not available.

Annual population estimates and factors of growth

Natural increase

Natural increase is final up to 2002/2003, updated for 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Net international migration

Net international migrationnumbersare final up to 2002/2003, updated for 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Net interprovincial migration

Net interprovincial migrationnumbersare final up to 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Net intraprovincial migration

Net intraprovincial migrationnumbersare final up to 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Total net migration

Total net migrationnumbersare final up to 2002/2003, updated for 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

Total growth

Numbers for total growthare final up to 2002/2003, updated for 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 and preliminary for 2005/2006.

                                                  2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Population   PD   PD   PD   PR   PR   PP
                                              2001/2002  2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005  2005/2006
Births   D   D   D   R   P
Deaths   D   D   R   R   P
Immigrants   D   D   D   R   P
Emigrants   D   D   R   R   P
Returning emigrants   D   D   R   R   P
Net temporary emigrants   D   D   R   R   P
Non-permanent residents   D   D   R   R   P
Interprovincial in-migrants   D   D   D   D   P
Interprovincial out-migrants   D   D   D   D   P
Intraprovincial in-migrants   D   D   D   D   P
Intraprovincial out-migrants   D   D   D   D   P
D Final
R Updated
P Preliminary
PD Final Postcensal
PR Updated Postcental
PP Preliminary Postcensal

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