Table 3
Annual number of interprovincial migrants, 2010/2011

Table 3
Annual number of interprovincial migrants, 2010/2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of annual number of interprovincial migrants. The information is grouped by province of origin (appearing as row headers), province of destination, n.l., p.e.i., n.s., n.b., que., ont., man., sask., alta., b.c., y.t., n.w.t. and nvt., calculated using number units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Province of origin Province of destination
N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Y.T. N.W.T. Nvt.
Newfoundland and Labrador Note ...: not applicable 124 979 437 180 1,953 126 153 3,199 394 14 102 94
Prince Edward Island 124 Note ...: not applicable 507 359 94 717 36 47 534 250 7 20 9
Nova Scotia 992 467 Note ...: not applicable 2,044 697 4,632 305 257 3,549 1,376 62 151 62
New Brunswick 382 354 1,972 Note ...: not applicable 1,554 2,723 204 167 2,201 675 13 50 30
Quebec 147 122 738 1,470 Note ...: not applicable 15,268 393 390 3,302 2,557 75 125 60
Ontario 2,693 690 5,219 2,977 11,785 Note ...: not applicable 3,522 3,513 17,003 14,052 195 385 290
Manitoba 173 41 399 280 443 4,226 Note ...: not applicable 1,905 3,997 2,980 38 62 58
Saskatchewan 121 44 273 153 289 2,226 1,688 Note ...: not applicable 8,164 2,945 54 77 23
Alberta 2,409 440 2,711 1,756 2,253 13,202 2,779 7,230 Note ...: not applicable 21,790 285 601 76
British Columbia 492 180 1,515 604 2,413 12,669 1,894 2,780 20,901 Note ...: not applicable 617 271 97
Yukon 23 6 47 11 39 160 34 41 270 417 Note ...: not applicable 58 8
Northwest Territories 146 16 110 39 75 306 52 98 785 342 105 Note ...: not applicable 95
Nunavut 83 10 83 37 62 235 52 21 70 76 12 88 Note ...: not applicable
Total in-migrants 7,785 2,494 14,553 10,167 19,884 58,317 11,085 16,602 63,975 47,854 1,477 1,990 902
Total out-migrants 7,755 2,704 14,594 10,325 24,647 62,324 14,602 16,057 55,532 44,433 1,114 2,169 829
Net migration 30 -210 -41 -158 -4,763 -4,007 -3,517 545 8,443 3,421 363 -179 73
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